Penn State University Press
A PEGS Reader - The Good Society 11:1 The Good Society 11.1 (2002) 96

A Pegs Reader

Recent and Recommended Articles

Arnhart, Larry. "Thomistic Natural Law as Darwinian Natural Right." Social Philosophy & Policy 18.1 (Winter 2001), 1-33.

Bunzl, John. "Reform the WTO! But Where Are the Ideas?" Organdi Review 1 (November 2000).

Dennis, Michael J. "Newly Adopted Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child." American Journal of International Law, 94.4 (October 2000), 789-796.

Etzioni, Amitai. "'Americanness' and the Unsung Agreement Across Racial Lines." Policy Review 105 (Feb/Mar 2001).

Fleming, Thomas. "Irrational Rationalism." Modern Age 43.1 (Winter 2001).

Grampp, William D. "What Did Smith Mean by the Invisible Hand?" The Journal of Political Economy, 108.3. (June 2000), 441-465.

Kohn, Margaret. "The Mauling of Public Space." Dissent (Spring 2001), 71-77.

Mahoney, James and Dietrich Rueschemeyer. "A Neo-Utilitarian Theory of Class? American Journal of Sociology, 105.6 (May 2000), 1583-1591.

Mayer, Robert. "Michael Walzer, Industrial Democracy, and Complex Equality." Political Theory 29.2 (April 2001), 237-261.

Muller, Jerry Z. "Schumpeter (Ironically) on Capitalism." Critical Review 13.3-13.4, 239-267.

Van Den Haag, Ernest. "The Hostility of Intellectuals to Capitalism." The Intercollegiate Review. 36.1-2 (Fall 2000/Spring 2001).

Symposia of Note

Faith in Politics Forum. Rivers, Eugene F. and Eva T. Thorne. "Beyond the Civil Rights Industry: Why Black America Needs A New Politics—and How the Black Church Might Deliver One." Includes contributions by Cathy Cohen, Peter Dreier, Lani Guinier, Julianne Malveaux, Manning Marable, Ronald Sider, Phillip Thompson, Ellen Wilis, and Alan Wolfe, Boston Globe (April/May 2001).

"How Can Values Be Taught In the University?" Featuring Toni Morrison with essays in response by Thomas J. Cottle and Denis Dutton, Michigan Quarterly Review (Spring 2001).

Recent and Recommended Books

Arbery, Glenn C. Why Literature Matters: Permanence and the Politics of Reputation. Wilmington, DE: Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 2001.

Barone, Michael. The New Americans: How the Melting Pot Can Work Again. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishers, Inc., 2001

Barnes, Peter. Who Owns the Sky?: Our Common Assets and the Future of Capitalism. Covelo: Island Press, 2001.

Black, Allida M. Modern American Queer History. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2001.

Broadbent, Edward, ed. Democratic Equality: What Went Wrong? Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2001.

Carter, Stephen L. Civility. New York: Harper Perennial Books, 1999.

Chomsky, Noam. Rogue States: The Rule of Force in World Affairs. Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 2000.

Curtler, Hugh M. Recalling Education. Wilmington, DE: Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 2001.

Dahl, Robert A. On Democracy. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000.

Gergen, Kenneth J. The Saturated Self: Dilemmas of Identity in Contemporary Life. New York: Basic Books, 2000.

Hechter, Michael and Karl-Dieter Opp, eds. Social Norms. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2001.

Kaplan, Robert D. The Coming Anarchy: Shattering the Dreams of the Post Cold War. New York: Vintage Books, 2001.

Katz, Michael B. The Price of Citizenship: Redefining the American Welfare State. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2001.

Stoesz, David. A Poverty of Imagination: Bootstrap Capitalism, Sequel to Welfare Reform. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2001.

Zucker, Ross. Democratic Distributive Justice. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

