Manufactured Stress; Prayers for Peace; Ilumun No. 1
- Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies
- University of Nebraska Press
- Volume 23, Number 2, 2002
- pp. 117-120
- 10.1353/fro.2002.0023
- Article
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Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 23.2 (2002) 117-120
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Manufactured Stress; Prayers for Peace; Ilumun NO. 1
Alice Rose Crow
Manufactured Stress
Manufactured stress creates false anxiety
to do their work
They watch through one-way glass
as you tire on the exercise wheel
first patented generations ago (on mice)
Add enticers to help you
Concede you prefer their bidding
Soon I hear you blubber
it was your idea all along
Your iluraq 1 say they inherited positions
on the grind from our ancestors
Long to believe you carry Tradition
when proudly raising an Indigene flag
If history began today
what would anthropologists observe of you?
What do our children see?
Smile for their cameras
Back then I mopped floors
tried scrubbing away the old stain [End Page 117]
of muddy feet trekking to the mouse room
A kind of one-way mirror
They didn't see me
I saw them emerge from their watch room
One paid the other for a bet made over you
He cashed in
when she said they could make you spin fastest
to the beat of their drum [End Page 118]
Prayers For Peace
The wind carries prayers for peace
In winter Prayers sting like the north wind
meet exposed tear-stained cheeks
Tears freeze and are wiped away
Prayers are heard
After the cold we go to the water
Where Prayers do not meet deaf ears
Alone we cannot send the ice to sea
Our faith is measured when everyspring
what's frozen becomes dangerous
rots and is sent away
Ilumun 1 No. 1
For Chuna
We are the ones left behind
to carry on the principles
they taught
teach us still
We are to cling steadfastly
to the virtues
lest we forget
and make ourselves and others
suffer in our forgetfulness [End Page 119]
We are to live the perspective
And by our lives show the way
for the ones we leave behind
Love: It's all about Love
Alice Rose Crow Maar'aq(Yup'ik) resides in Kotzebue, Alaska. She was born and raised in Bethel, on the Kuskokwim River in Southwest Alaska. After first attending the former Kuskokwim Community College, Alice earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Alaska. In 1999 eleven of her poems were published in Standards, the University of Colorado's International Journal for Multicultural Studies.
Manufactured Stress Note
1. Irulaq is a man's man-friend or a man's male cross-cousin.
IlumunNO. 1 Note
1. Ilumunis "surely" or "in truth"