In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Abbott, Mary. Life Cycles in England 1560–1720: Cradle to Grave (London & N.Y.: Routledge, 1996). Pp. ix + 310. $65, $19.95 paper. ISBN 0-415-10842-X; 10843-8
Armstrong, Katherine A. Defoe: Writer as Agent. ELS English Monograph Series No. 67 (Victoria, B.C.: Univ. of Victoria, 1996). Pp. 156. $10.50 CDN. ISBN 0-920604-86-2
Astell, Mary. Political Writings, ed. Patricia Springborg (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ., 1996). Pp. xlviii + 289. $59.95. ISBN 0-521-41800-3
Backscheider, Paula R., and Timothy Dykstal, eds. The Intersections of the Public and Private Spheres in Early Modern England (London & Portland, Oreg.: Frank Cass, 1996). Pp. 269. $29 paper. ISBN 071464275-4
Blake, William. Selected Poetry, ed., intro. & notes Michael Mason. World’s Classics (Oxford & N.Y.: Oxford Univ., 1996). Pp. xvi + 311. $8.95 paper. ISBN 0-19-283272-7
Bowers, Toni. The Politics of Motherhood: British Writing and Culture, 1680–1760 (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ., 1996). Pp. xvi + 262. $54.95. ISBN 0-521-55174-9
Bree, Linda. Sarah Fielding. Twayne’s English Authors Series (N.Y.: Twayne, 1996). Pp. xiii + 176. $28.95. ISBN 0-8057-7051-8
Brewer, John, and Susan Staves, eds. Early Modern Conceptions of Property (London & N.Y.: Routledge, 1996). Pp. xiv + 599. $39.95 paper. ISBN 0-415-15314-X
Buck, Anne. Clothes and the Child: A Handbook of Children’s Dress in England 1500–1900 (N.Y.: Holmes & Meier, 1996). Pp. 271. $50, $30 paper. ISBN 0-8419-1370-6; 1371-4
Carretta, Vincent, ed. Unchained Voices: An Anthology of Black Authors in the English-Speaking World of the Eighteenth Century (Lexington: Univ. of Kentucky, 1996). Pp. xi + 387. $42.95, $19.95 paper. ISBN 0-8131-1976-6; 0884-5
Chappell, Vere, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Locke (1994; Cambridge: Cambridge Univ., 1995). Pp. x + 329. $65. ISBN 0-521-38371-4
Conger, Syndy M., and Julie C. Hayes, eds. Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, vol. 25 (Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins Univ. for ASECS, 1996). Pp. xii + 322. $40. ISBN 0-8018-5462-8
Cooper, Frederick, and Ann Laura Stoler, eds. Tensions of Empire: Colonial Cultures in a Bourgeois World (Berkeley: Univ. of California, 1997). Pp. xii + 470. Paper. ISBN 0-520-20605-3
Copley, Stephen, and Kathryn Sutherland, eds. Adam Smith’s “Wealth of Nations”: New Interdisciplinary Essays (Manchester & N.Y.: Manchester Univ., 1995). Pp. xiii + 205. Paper. ISBN 0-7190-3943-6. Dist. in USA and Canada by St. Martin’s Press.
Crawford, Patricia. Women and Religion in England 1500–1720 (1993; London & N.Y.: Routledge, 1996). Pp. x + 268. $22.95 paper. ISBN 0-415-01697-5
Crisman, William. The Crises of “Language and Dead Signs” in Ludwig Tieck’s Prose Fiction (Columbia, S.C.: Camden House, 1996). Pp. x + 202. $55.95. ISBN 1-57113-014-4
Davies, Martin L. Identity or History?: Marcus Herz and the End of the Enlightenment (Detroit: Wayne State Univ., 1995). Pp. xiv + 344. $39.95. ISBN 0-8143-2434-7
Deane, Seamus. A Short History of Irish Literature (1986; Notre Dame, Ind.: Univ. of Notre Dame, 1994). Pp. 282. $14.95 paper. ISBN 0-268-01751-4
De Bruyn, Frans. The Literary Genres of Edmund Burke: The Political Uses of Literary Form (Oxford: Clarendon, 1996). Pp. xii + 318. $72. ISBN 0-19-812182-2
Demers, Patricia. The World of Hannah More (Lexington: Univ. of Kentucky, 1996). Pp. xi + 178. $32.95. ISBN 0-8131-1978-2
Dewald, Jonathan. The European Nobility, 1400–1800 (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ., 1996). Pp. 226. $44.95, $15.95 paper. ISBN 0-521-41512-8; 42528-X
Etlin, Richard A. Symbolic Space: French Enlightenment Architecture and Its Legacy (1994; Chicago & London: Univ. of Chicago, 1996). Pp. xxv + 235. $19.95 paper. ISBN 0-226-22085-0
Fabricant, Carole. Swift’s Landscape (1982; Notre Dame, Ind. & London: Univ. of Notre Dame, 1995). Pp. xxxv + 307. $16.95 paper. ISBN 0-268-01754-9
Fara, Patricia. Sympathetic Attractions: Magnetic Practices, Beliefs, and Symbolism in Eighteenth-Century England (Princeton: Princeton Univ., 1996). Pp. 328. $45. ISBN 0-691-01099-4
Fielding, Henry. Tom Jones, ed. John Bender & Simon Stern. World’s Classics (Oxford & N.Y.: Oxford Univ...
