[CITATION][C] African Studies Review

African Studies Association - (No Title), 1970 - cir.nii.ac.jp

African Studies Review

MJ Arnoldi - African Arts, 1991 - search.proquest.com
liteit Page 1 53% 13:39): 3 liteit Gl2O)553 ISIJI |:::::E:5 26: O354|| 504 52 5 276 7 |(6) E%%%%
X E320) Rubin's purpose in presenting these case studies is twofold: “to illustrate and develop
the principles around which the course is organized; and to prepare students for Upper Division
offerings in the African, Oceanic, and Native American fields" (p. 6). There is a great deal of
fascinating material in these chapters, but students will need some guidance in assessing the
diverse approaches represented. The readings included excerpts from such specialized …

[CITATION][C] African studies review

JQM al-Buḥūth - (No Title) - cir.nii.ac.jp
African studies review | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ]
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プロジェクト [4/18更新]CiNii ArticlesのCiNii Researchへの統合について African studies review …

African Studies Review

AK Smith - ASA News, 1978 - cambridge.org
The Review is also contemplating the publication of a special issue for the December 1978
number. The topic will be" The Social Sciences and African Development Planning." It will
be co-edited by Phillips Stevens, Jr., but will also have a large input from other members of
the editorial board. During the calendar year, 15 October 1976 to 14 October 1977, the
number of manuscripts processed increased from 67 to 94. This increase was especially
pleasing, since it followed on a year when there had been a significant decrease in the …