[BOOK][B] Financing long-term care in Europe

J Costa-Font, C Courbage - 2011 - Springer
12.2 Earnings, expenditures and balance of SLTCI 220 12.3 Contributions and expenditures
of PLTCI 223 12.4 Payments of social assistance for LTC 225 12.5 Financial structure of
overall LTC expenditures 227 13.1 Share of total population aged 65/80 years and over,
2010, 2030 and 2050 238
12.2 Earnings, expenditures and balance of SLTCI 220 12.3 Contributions and expenditures of PLTCI 223 12.4 Payments of social assistance for LTC 225 12.5 Financial structure of overall LTC expenditures 227 13.1 Share of total population aged 65/80 years and over, 2010, 2030 and 2050 238