[CITATION][C] Studies in Sulawesi linguistics

JN Sneddon, R Van Den Berg - (No Title), 1989 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Studies in Sulawesi linguistics | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ
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[CITATION][C] Studies in Sulawesi Linguistics

R van den Berg - 1989 - Badan Penyelenggara Seri Nusa …

Studies in Sulawesi Linguistics, Part II, NUSA, Linguistic Studies of Indonesian and other Languages in Indonesia, volume 33

Hardly two years after the appearance of a NUSA volume exclusively devoted to the study of
languages of Sulawesi (reviewed in BKI 147, 1991, 517-8), a second volume of Sulawesi
linguistics has seen the light, again edited by JN Sneddon. The authors of three of the four
articles are linguists of the Summer Institute of Linguistics who were engaged in long-term
research in Sulawesi. Ren? van den Berg explores the historical phonology of Muna in
South East Sulawesi on the basis of his recent grammar and other historical work on the …

Studies in Sulawesi linguistics, Part I, 1989. NUSA, Linguistic Studies of Indonesian and Other Languages in Indonesia, volume 31

Badaic languages of Central Sulawesi'. On the basis of a one-week survey, he presents
some general information on the three Badaic languages (Napu, Besoa, Bada) and their
internal and external relationships (they are clearly Kaili-Pamona languages), on phonology
(an unusual sixth vowel in Bada), morphology (four sets of pronouns), and the full 488-word
Sulawesi Umbrella Wordlist for all three languages (or dialects, depending on one's
perspective), omitting, however, the words for certain parts of the body in Napu. I was …