[CITATION][C] The lexicon of Proto Oceanic: The culture and environment of ancestral Oceanic society 1: Material culture

M Ross, A Pawley, M Osmond - 1998 - Dept. of Linguistics, Research …

[BOOK][B] The Lexicon of Proto Oceanic: The culture and environment of ancestral Oceanic society: 2 The physical environment

M Ross, A Pawley, M Osmond - 2007 - library.oapen.org
This is the second in a series of five volumes on the lexicon of Proto Oceanic, the ancestor of
the Oceanic branch of the Austronesian language family. Each volume deals with a
particular domain of culture and/or environment and consists of a collection of essays each
of which presents and comments on lexical reconstructions of a particular semantic field
within that domain. Volume 2 examines how Proto Oceanic speakers described their
geophysical environment. An introductory chapter discusses linguistic and archaeological …

[CITATION][C] The lexicon of Proto Oceanic: The culture and environment of ancestral Oceanic society

M Ross, A Pawley, M Osmond - (No Title), 2008 - cir.nii.ac.jp
The lexicon of proto Oceanic : the culture and environment of ancestral Oceanic society | CiNii
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