In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • From the Editor
  • David J. Robinson

This issue of the Journal is divided into two sections: the first is a collection of five papers, each dealing in specific contexts with the tensions arising over a variety of socio-environmental conflicts. As Carlos Reboratti explains in his brief introduction, the papers were originally presented as part of a series of sessions during the 2012 New York AAG meeting. This highlights the possibility of future sessions being submitted to JLAG for publication, and I welcome any such proposals.

The second part of this issue contains three articles dealing with a wide range of subjects. Jim Chaney examines the complexities of ethnic identity of a Caribbean migrant group, stressing their interstitial character depending on their geographic destination. While in New York City their Blackness is assumed to link them to African Americans, in New Orleans they can be both Black and also Latino given their language skills and geographic origins. Garifuna identity emphasizes the role of locale and context that is so often blurred in the haste to generalize ethnicities at the macro level.

Argelia Tiburcio and María Perevochtchikova next turn our attention to the necessity to compare and contrast two countries (Canada and Mexico) in their management of urban water systems. Can Canada's successful use of environmental indicators and their use in water management provide possible and implementable procedures for Mexico? Even faced with the host of problems facing such cross-country comparisons, one has to applaud the attempt. Comparative studies have for some reason fallen out of favor with most geographers, in spite of the incessant work of development agencies to transfer ideas and methods of implementation, as well as vast amounts of money.

Isabella Radhuber closes the set of papers with a detailed analysis of the development of the multiple tensions that continue to confront the Bolivian state in its attempt to forge a homogenous nation out of a plethora of ethnic, regional, local and spatially overlapping social identities. To decolonize and democratize a state is a perilous path with obstacles at every turn. Even though the 2009 constitution inscribes a plurinational state, the indigenous peasantry has learned at high cost, the need for continual protest to afford them some control over not merely their territories but also their destiny. The perspective from their somewhat ironically named capital city is that national resources are to be used, notwithstanding contrary opinions.

Del Editor

Esta entrega de la revista se encuentra dividida en dos secciones: la primera es una colección de cinco estudios, que se ocupan, en contextos específicos, de las tensiones que surgen en una variedad de conflictos socio-ambientales. [End Page v] Como Carlos Reboratti explica en su breve introducción, los artículos fueron presentados originalmente como parte de una serie de sesiones durante la reunión de la AAG 2012 en la ciudad de Nueva York. Esto pone de relieve la posibilidad de que los resultados de sesiones futuras de este tipo, puedan ser sometidos a JLAG y, personalmente, doy la bienvenida a tales propuestas.

La segunda parte de este número contiene tres artículos referidos a una amplia gama de temas. James Chaney examina las complejidades de la identidad étnica de un grupo de migrantes del Caribe, haciendo hincapié en su carácter intersticial en función de su destino geográfico. Mientras que en Nueva York la negritud se supone vinculada a los afroamericanos, en Nueva Orleans puede ser, a la vez, negro y/o también latino, teniendo en consideración sus conocimientos del idioma y orígenes geográficos. La identidad garífuna destaca el papel de la configuración regional y el contexto tan a menudo borroso en la premura por generalizar las etnias en un nivel macro.

A continuación, Argelia Tiburcio y María Perevochtchikova, dirigen nuestra atención a la necesidad de comparar y contrastar dos países (Canadá y México) en la gestión de los sistemas hídricos urbanos. ¿Puede el uso exitoso de indicadores ambientales y su utilización en la gestión del agua en Canadá proporcionar procedimientos posibles y aplicables para México? Incluso con la multitud de problemas...

