In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Subject IndexVolume 7

actor-network theory, 185, 205

agricultural research, 557

Amdo, Tibet, 453

Asian genomics, 69

Asian medical systems, 381

Ba jing you Taiwan: Guoguang shihua de gushi 八輕遊台灣:國光石化的故事 [The Naphtha Cracker That Travels around Taiwan: The Story of Koukuang Petrochemical Project] (Shieh and Ho), reviewed, 329

bioeconomy, 243

bioethics, 125

biomedical assemblage, 69

biotechnology, 87

brain death controversy, 243

bureaucracy, 87

China, 125

China Airlines, 579

Collateral Knowledge: Legal Reasoning in the Global Financial Markets (Riles), reviewed, 517

comparative method, 175, 185, 205

competitive adaptation, 125

conservation, 397

coproduction, 7

culture, 87

Dawuzu de jingshen shixu: Xiandaixing, bianqian yu shou ku de shehui genyuan 達悟族的精神失序:現代 性、變遷與受苦的社會根源 [Mental Disorder of the Tao Aboriginal Minority in Taiwan: Modernity, Social Change, and the Origin of Social Suffering] (Tsai), reviewed, 625

diabetes, 261

domestic space, 453

drug discovery, 7

Duoyuan xiangqian yu chuangzao zhuanhua: Taiwan gonggong weisheng bai nian shi 多元鑲嵌與創 造轉化:台灣公共衛生百年史 [Diverse Embeddedness and Creative Transformation: A Century of Public Health in Taiwan] (Fan, ed.), reviewed, 319

East Asian medicine, 505

Ecologies of Comparison: An Ethnography of Endangerment in Hong Kong (Choy), reviewed, 641

electronic scholarly communication, 533

engineering, 221

engineering ethics, 579

Epidemic Invasions: Yellow Fever and the Limits of Cuban Independence, 1878–1930 (Espinosa), reviewed, 317

epidemiology, 261

equality, 87

ethnicity, 69

ethnography, 175

Fishing Wars and Environmental Change in Late Imperial and Modern China (Muscolino), reviewed, 629

food, 453

Fukushima, Japan, 601

global connections, 185

Genshiryoku no shakaishi: Sono nihonteki tenkai. Shinpan 原子力の社会 史:その日本的展開. 新版 [A Social History of Nuclear Power: Its Development in Japan. New Edition] (Yoshioka), reviewed, 531

Himalayas, 335

HIV/AIDS, 35 [End Page 645]

Huli yu shehui: Kuajie de duihua yu chuangxin 護理與社會—跨界的對 話與創新 [Nursing and Society: The Transdisciplinary Dialogue and Innovation] (Lu, Chiang, and Lin, eds.), reviewed, 513

humanitarianism, 35

illness, 453

innovation, 125

interference, 221

Japan, 205, 260

Japanese whaling, 185

Jibing de lishi 疾病的歷史 [The History of Disease] (Lin, ed.), reviewed, 633

Jindai zhongyi de shentiguan yu sixiang zhuanxing: Tang Zonghai yu zhongxiyi huitong shidai 近代中医的身体 观与思想转型: 唐宗海与中西医汇 通时代 [Views of the Body and Intellectual Transformation in Modern Chinese Medicine: Tang Zonghai and the Era of Chinese-Western Medical Convergence] (Li), reviewed, 637

justice, 87

justification, 243

keyword analysis, 145

labor, 557

laboratory studies, 7

Ladakh, India, 467

machines, 221

medical pluralism, 467

medical revival, 505

medicinal plants, 397

mobility, 175

modernity, 467, 485

molecular biology, 261

Mongolia, 533

moral economy, 125

multiplicity, 205

naming, 505

narrative, 601

neoliberalism, 35

network analysis, 145

nuclear accident, 601

nuclear power, 601

organization, 87

organ transplantation, 243

Other-Worldly: Making Chinese Medicine through Transnational Frames (Zhan), reviewed, 171

Passion for Facts: Social Surveys and the Construction of the Chinese Nation-State, 1900–1949, A (Lam), reviewed, 165

pharmaceuticalization, 425

pharmacogenomics, 261

plant-human relations, 557

policy process, 7

postgenomic research, 7

Qinghai, China, 453

Reforming Public Health in Occupied Japan, 1945–52: Alien Prescriptions? (Aldous and Suzuki), reviewed, 527

relationality, 175

religion, 485

Reproducing Women: Medicine, Metaphor, and Childbirth in Late Imperial China (Wu), reviewed, 311

robot, 205

science studies, 485

situated science, 557

social shaping of technology, 533

Sowa Rigpa, 335, 381, 425, 505

STS journals, 145

Taiwan, 579

Technology of Empire: Telecommunications and Japanese Expansion in Asia, 1883–1945 (Yang), reviewed, 325

[End Page 646]

technology transfer, 221

Thailand, 221

Tibet, 397

Tibetan Buddhism, 485

Tibetan exile, 381

Tibetan medicine, 335, 381, 425, 467, 485

topology, 185

touching, 557

traditional medicine, 397, 425

transnationalism, 601

travel, 221

Vietnam, 35

yoga, 335

Zhongguo gudai de yixue yishi yu zhengzhi: Yi yishi wenben wei zhongxin de yige fenxi 中國古代的 醫學, 醫史與政治, 以醫史文本為中 心的一個分析 [Medicine, Medical History, and Politics in Ancient China] (Chin), reviewed, 159 [End Page 647]


