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  • Contributors

Kevin Attell is assistant professor of English at Cornell University. He is the translator of Giorgio Agamben’s The Open: Man and Animal and State of Exception and co-translator of The Signature of All Things.

Franco “Bifo” Berardi is a writer, media theorist, and media activist. He founded the magazine A/traverso (1975–81) and was part of the staff of Radio Alice, the first free pirate radio station in Italy (1976–78). Involved in the political movement autonomia in Italy during the 1970s, he fled to Paris where he worked with Félix Guattari in the field of schizoanalysis. Bifo’s most recently published book in English is After the Future (2011).

Roberto Esposito teaches contemporary philosophy at the Italian Institute for the Human Sciences in Naples and is one of the leading thinkers of biopolitics today. His works include the trilogy, Communitas: The Origin and Destiny of Community (Stanford), Immunitas: The Protection and Negation of Life (Polity), and Bios: Biopolitics and Philosophy (Minnesota). His most recent book, Third Person, is forthcoming from Polity.

Lorenzo Fabbri holds a PhD in philosophy from Italy and is currently a graduate student in Romance Studies at Cornell University. He has published extensively in critical theory and film studies with essays appearing in Antasofia, California Italian Studies Journal, Critical Inquiry, Radical Philosophy Review, Res Publica, and Sinestesie. He is the author of The Domestication of Derrida: Rorty, Pragmatism and Deconstruction (Continuum, 2008).

Claire Fontaine is a Paris-based collective artist, founded in 2004. After lifting her name from a popular brand of school notebooks, Claire Fontaine declared herself a “ready-made artist.” Working in neon, video, sculpture, painting, and text, her practice can be described as an ongoing interrogation of the political impotence and the crisis of singularity that seem to define contemporary society today.

Antonio Negri is a sociologist and philosopher. He was a key figure in the development of the operaismo and autonomia movements. His essays of the 1970s were highly influential in the redefinition of contemporary Marxism. With Michael Hardt, he co-authored Empire (2001), Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire (2004), and Commonwealth (2011).

Karen Pinkus is professor of Italian and Comparative Literature at Cornell University. Her Alchemical Mercury: A Theory of Ambivalence (Stanford, 2009) is deeply saturated with Italian thought and artistic practice around dematerialization. She is currently working on a book titled Fuel that also develops some of the ideas in the current essay in relation to “alternative” or “future” fuels and climate change. [End Page 1]


