In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • North Africa


1117 Le Houérou, H-N., La Sahara et ses particularités. Saharien 2007 180 2 33-40
1118 Nöther, W., De la conduite automobile au Sahara. Saharien 2007 180 4 52-6
1119 Peters, R.A., Mapping the desert: Arthur Rimbaud, Charles de Foucauld and the Société de Géographie. Journal of historical geography 2009 35 1 104-27
1120 Stokes, J., Encyclopaedia of the peoples of Africa and the Middle East. New York Facts on File 2009 2 vols
1121 Wright, R.B., Dreams and shadows: the future of the Middle East. New York Penguin 2009 464 pp.


1122 Bernezat, J-L., Sandales et selles chez les Touaregs du Hoggar. Saharien 2007 180 2 41-6
1123 Ferretti, F., Les sacs en cuir du nomade. Saharien 2008 184 1 21-8
1124 Keenan, J., Al-Qaeda terrorism in the Sahara? Edwin Dyer's murder and the role of intelligence agencies. Anthropology today 2009 25 4 14-18
1125 Marck, B., Béatrice Monod et son cadenas touareg. Saharien 2008 186 3 21-36
1126 Vallet, M., Réflexions sur la tarik, selle traditionnelle du Touareg. Saharien 2007 180 1 35-7


1127 Belhouchet, L., Les gravures sur coquilles d'oeufs d'autruche en Afrique du Nord: interprétation des décors géometriques. Sahara 2008 19 77-84
1128 Le Quellec, J-L., À propos des molettes zoomorphes du Sahara central. Sahara 2008 19 39-60
1129 Milburn, M., National heritage: some problems & tragedies in the Sahara and North-West Europe including Britain. Sahara 2008 19 91-104


See also: 1119

Current Affairs

1130 Collyer, M., Emigration, immigration and transit in the Maghreb: externalization of EU policy, in Zoubir, Y.H. and Amirah-Fernández, H. (eds), North Africa, pp. 159-78. (Item No. 1169)


1131 Abu-Bader, S., Abu-Qarn, A.S., Financial development and economic growth: empirical evidence from six MENA [End Page 63] countries. Review of development economics 2008 12 4 803-17
1132 Bhattacharyya, S.C., Blake, A., Domestic demand for petroleum products in MENA countries. Energy policy 2009 37 4 1552-60
1133 Escribano, G., Economic reform in the Maghreb: from stabilization to modernization, in Zoubir, Y.H. and Amirah-Fernández, H. (eds), North Africa, pp. 138-58. (Item No. 1169)
1134 Sayan, S. (ed.), Economic performance in the Middle East and North America. London Routledge 2009 193 pp.
1135 Suliman, O., Quality of governance, FDI and currency black markets: evidence from MENA countries, in Boko, S. and Seck, D. (eds), NEPAD and the future of economic policy in Africa, pp. 55-73. (Item No. 241)

Exploration and Travel

1136 Paris, J-P., Explorateurs méconnus du Sahara (1ère partie). Saharien 2008 184 1 3-14
1137 Paris, J-P., Explorateurs méconnus du Sahara (2ème partie). Saharien 2008 185 2 3-22


1138 Dris-Aït-Hamadouche, L., Women in the Maghreb: stereotypes and realities, in Zoubir, Y.H. and Amirah-Fernández, H. (eds), North Africa, pp. 202-6. (Item No. 1169)
1139 Khouaja, J., Femmes et modernité: relecture des résultats de l'enquête PAPFAM 2001. IBLA 2006 198 248-63
1140 Moghadam, V.M., Feminism, legal reform and women's empowerment in the Middle East and North Africa. International social science journal 2009 59 191 9-16


1141 Cronin, S. (ed.), Subalterns and social protest: history from below in the Middle East and North Africa. London, New York Routledge 2008 320 pp.
1142 Pennell, C.R., Treaty law: the extent of consular jurisdiction in North Africa from the middle of the seventeenth to the middle of the nineteenth century. Journal of North African studies 2009 14 2 235-56

History, C6-18th

1143 Alouani, S., Diffusion du tas awwuf chez les tribus nomades de l'intérieur de l'Ifriqiya entre le XIIe et le XVe siècles et naissances de tribus maraboutiques. IBLA 2009 72 1 107-35
1144 de Alemeida Mendes, A., Child slaves in the early north Atlantic trade in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, in Campbell, G., Miers, S. and Miller, J.C. (eds), Children in slavery through the ages, pp...

