In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Current Bibliography
  • Natalie Gerber and Lisa Goldfarb
Natalie Gerber
SUNY Fredonia
Lisa Goldfarb
Gallatin School, New York University


Goldstone, Andrew. Fictions of Autonomy: Modernism from Wilde to de Man. New York: Oxford UP, 2013. Print.


Stevens, Wallace. Ideas de orden [Ideas of Order]. Trans. Daniel Aguirre. Barcelona: Lumen, 2010. Print.
______. De la simple existencia: Antología poética [Of Mere Being: An Anthology of Poems]. Trans. Andrés Sánchez Robayna. Barcelona: Debolsillo, 2006. Print.

Book Chapters

Black, Kirsty. “Representation and Re-Presentation in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens and David Jones.” Provocation and Negotiation: Essays in Comparative Criticism. Ed. Gesche Ipsen and Ralph W. Hood. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2013. 105–20. Print.
Edmisten, Karen. “Chapter 7: Wallace Stevens.” Deathbed Conversions: Finding Faith at the Finish Line. Huntington: Our Sunday Visitor, 2013. 61–70. Print.
Puskar, Jason. “Wallace Stevens’s ‘Drastic Community’: Credit, Suretyship, and the Society of Distrust.” Incredible Modernism: Literature, Trust and Deception. Ed. John Attridge and Rod Rosenquist. Farnham: Ashgate, 2013. 181–98. Print.
Spurr, David. “Architecture in Frost and Stevens.” Architecture and Modern Literature. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 2012. 204–20. Print.
Stubbs, Tara. “‘So kind you are, to bring me this gift’: Thomas MacGreevy, American Modernists and the ‘Gift’ of Irishness.” The Life and Work of Thomas MacGreevy: A Critical Reappraisal. Ed. Susan Schreibman. London: Bloomsbury, 2013. 227–42. Print.


Altieri, Charles. “Modernist Poetry’s Encounter with Epistemic Models of Value.” Common Knowledge 19.2 (2013): 334–50. Humanities Source. Web.
Blevins, Jeffrey. “‘Suppose This Was the Root of Everything’: Stevens and the Imperative to Suppose.” Wallace Stevens Journal 37.1 (2013): 70–90. Print.
Costello, Bonnie. “Stevens’ ‘The Man with the Blue Guitar’ and Auden’s ‘The Sea and the Mirror’: Addressing the Audience.” Wallace Stevens Journal 37.2 (2013): 188–98. Print.
Donoghue, Denis. “The Motive for Metaphor.” Hudson Review 65.4 (2013): 543–61. Print. [End Page 118]
Eeckhout, Bart. “Editor’s Column: Connecting Stevens to Connecticut.” Wallace Stevens Journal 37.1 (2013): 1–11. Print.
______. “Wallace Stevens’s Modernist Melodies.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 55.1 (2013): 53–71. Print.
Eeckhout, Bart, and Lisa Goldfarb. “Introduction: Stevens and Auden: Disparities and Affinities.” Wallace Stevens and W. H. Auden. Spec. issue of Wallace Stevens Journal 37.2 (2013): 127–41. Print.
Galvin, Rachel. “‘Less Neatly Measured Common-Places’: Stevens’ Wartime Poetics.” Wallace Stevens Journal 37.1 (2013): 24–48. Print.
______. “Stevens, Auden: Whose Age Was It Anyway—and Why Do We Care?” Wallace Stevens Journal 37.2 (2013): 155–66. Print.
Glatt, Carra. “The Maker’s Rage: Narrative in Stevens’ Poetry.” Wallace Stevens Journal 37.1 (2013): 12–23. Print.
Goldfarb, Lisa. “‘An Unalterable Vibration’ or ‘An Altering Speech for Altering Things’: Stevens, Auden, and Symbolist Poetics.” Wallace Stevens Journal 37.2 (2013): 167–87. Print.
Gudas, Eric. “Sound-Play in Stevens.” Raritan 32.4 (2013): 145–59. Print.
Hentea, Marius. “Monocles on Modernity.” Modernism/Modernity 20.2 (2013): 213–38. Print.
Kasischke, Laura. “Opusculum Paedagogum.” Poetry 201.4 (2013): 455–57. Print.
Kiely, Kevin, and Lee M. Jenkins. “‘I Hope I Haven’t Made Another Lampshade’: Stevens and John L. Sweeney.” Wallace Stevens Journal 37.1 (2013): 91–98. Print.
Lehman, Robert S. “Abstract Pleasures: Romanticism and Finitism in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens.” Modern Philology 111.2 (2013): 308–28. Print.
Ragg, Edward. “Apophatic Auden, Abstract Stevens: From Kierkegaard to Cézanne in ‘The Sea and the Mirror’ and ‘The Figure of the Youth as Virile Poet.’” Wallace Stevens Journal 37.2 (2013): 199–223. Print.
Sahner, David. “Raw Perception, Phenomenal Experience, and Selfhood in Stevens’ Poetry: What We May Learn from a Contemporary Scientific Theory of Consciousness.” Wallace Stevens Journal 37.1 (2013): 49–69. Print.
Sicari, Stephen. “Heard on High.” Commonweal 140.20 (2013): 16–18. Print.
______. “Modernist Theologies.” Cross Currents 12 (2012): 396. ProQuest. Web...

