In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Announcement

It is rare that a thinker comes along who not only completely alters the way we engage in social critique, but also introduces new objects of social criticism. We at Transition deeply mourn the loss of the incomparable Stuart Hall, one of the founders of the interdisciplinary field of cultural studies and a longtime member of our Editorial Board. So much of what appears in our pages would be simply unimaginable if not for his profound impact on the study of the African diaspora and the black popular arts. Hall, more than anyone else, brought serious thinking about race and the postcolonial condition to the cultural studies movement. His legacy includes an abundant source of ideas and critical tools that can be built upon as we confront the powerful meaning-making representations of new media technologies. We owe him a tremendous debt. May he rest in peace.

–The Editors


