In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Financial Reports for 2009 (April-December), 2010, and 2011
2009     2010     2011    
(*Starting in 2010, the opening date of the Fiscal Year of the Société was shifted, for accounting purposes, from April 15th to January 1st)
Beginning Balance January 1 or April 15 (2009) 11,731.99 13,360.01 15,627.73
Memberships 4,164.04 2,866.64 2,472.00
Donations 2,900.00 2,100.00 50.00
Royalty 300.00 891.00
Total Receipts 7,064.04 5,266.64 3,413.00
Mailings 762.18 473.01 867.19
Printing 873.84 1,025.91 945.92
Website design/maintanance 1,800.00 600.00 600.00
Project Muse 2,000.00 900.00
Total Disbursements 5,436.02 2,998.92 2,413.11
Balance December 31 13,360.01 15,627.73 16,627.62

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