In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Acknowledgments

The editors and members of the executive editorial committee of Social Science History thank the following for serving as referees on manuscripts submitted to the journal from July 1, 2012, to June 30, 2013:

Andrew Abbott Damien de Walque Richard Niemi
John Ackerman Matthew Dickinson Marty Olney
Benigno Aguirre Mauricio Drelichman Jeffrey Ostler
Margo Anderson Joseph Ferrie Monica Prasad
Warwick Anderson Nissa Finney Barbara Rothman
Gunnar Andersson Ian Gregory Steven Ruggles
Candice Batton Steven Grosby Richard Samuels
John Bauman David Hammack Eric Schickler
Michael Biggs Barbara Harff James C. Scott
Terri Bimes Jac Heckelman Ludi Simpson
Marilyn Blackwell Jonathan Israel Richard Steckel
Kristin Mapel Marika Jalovaara George Steinmetz
Bloomberg Russell Johnston James I. Stewart
John Bohstedt Brian Lewis Robert Tally
Jérôme Bourdieu John Markoff Iddo Tavory
Art Budros Isaac Martin Mark Voss-Hubbard
Joyce Burnette David Mayhew John Walton
Cameron Campbell John McNeill David Wilcox
Giovanni Capoccia Sarah C. Michalak Daniel Ziblatt
Lee Craig Gerardo Munck Robert Zussman
Richard Dennis Dian Murray

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