In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Acknowledgments

The editors and the members of the Executive Editorial Committee of Social Science History thank the following for serving as referees on manuscripts submitted to the journal from July 1, 2008, to June 30, 2009:

Julia Adams

Gary C. Anderson

Robert Angevine

Jeremy Atack

Dick Barrett

Jay Barth

Jeffrey Beemer

Lou Cain

Tim Cole

Susan Deans-Smith

Lesley Diack

Carrie B. Douglass

Marie Duggan

Mary Ann Dzuback

Emily Erikson

Robbie Ethridge

Henry Farrell

Nancy Folbre

Eric Fure-Slocum

Richard Handler

Anne Hardy

Sam Harper

Carol Heim

Alan Heston

Mark Humphries

Jok Madut Jok

Paul Joosse

Ira Katznelson

David Keen

Ulla Larsen

Alan Law

Susan Leonard

Ron Lesthaeghe

Bradley Lewis

Jen Lundquist

John Majewski

Robert A. Margo

Susan Marshall

John Martin

Corrine McConnaughy

Paul McLean

Evan Melhado

Stephanie Moller

Graham Mooney

Larry Nesper

Michael Osborne

Helen Julia Paul

Sara Pink

Douglas Puffert

Kent Redding

Marc Schneiberg

Robert M. Schwartz

Craig R. Semsel

William Sewell

Robert Shapiro

Jonathan Simon [End Page 507]

Roona Simpson

Randall Stokes

Jeffery Strickland

Alan Swedlund

Richard Tessler

William Thomas

John Robert Warren

Diane Yoon

Benjamin Zablocki [End Page 508]


