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Notes on Contributors HANNAH a r e n d t taught at the University o f California at Berkeley, Princeton University, and the University of Chicago, and was University Professor at the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research from 1968 until her death in 1975. Her books include The Origins of Totalitarianism (1968), The Human Condition (1958), On Revolution (1963), Eichmann inJerusalem (1964), Between Past and Future (1968), Men in Dark Times (1968), and The Life ofthe Mind (1975). M ig u e l a b e n s o u r is professor of politi­ cal science at the University ofParis-VII (Jussieu). He has published articles on Saint-Just, utopian socialism, and the Frankfort school, and his books include Critique de la Politique (2006) and La Démocratie Contre l’ Etat: Marx ed leMoment Machiavelien, Suivi de Démocratie Sauvage et Principe D’anarchie (2004). C o rin n e e n a u d e a u , professor of philosophy at the Collège international de philosophie in Paris, is the author of Là-bas comme ici :LeParadoxe de la représen­ tation (1998). b ry a n g a r s t e n is assistant professor of political science at Yale University. He is the author ofSavingPersuasion:A Defense ofRhetoric andJudgment (Harvard 2006) and various articles on the themes of representative government, judgment and religion. ANTONIA g r u n e n b e r g is the director of the Hannah Arendt-Zentrum, Carl von Ossietzky Universitaet Oldenburg, and the editor ofthe Hannah Arendt-Martin Heidegger correspondence (Hannah Arendt und Martin Heidegger. Geschichte einer Liebe, 2006). Among her other publica­ tions are include Die Lust an der Schuld [The Desirefor Guilt: The burden ofthepast on the political realm] (2001) and the article on Arendt in the International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2001). w o lf g a n g h e u e r is the managing editor and a lecturer at the Free University Berlin. He is the author of Citizen: PersönlicheIntegrität undpolitische Verantwortung:Rekonstruktion des politischen Humanismus HannahArendts (1992), CouragiertesHandeln (2002), and coeditor ofDichterisch Denken: Hannah Arendt und die Künste (2007). V la s ta ja lu s ic is a senior research fellow at the Peace Institute (Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies), Ljubljana, Slovenia, and an associate professor of political theory and gender studies at Ljubljana University. Her recent publications include “Posttotalitarian Elements and Eichmann’s Mentality in the Yugoslav War and Mass Killings” (in Stone and King, eds., 2007). She is the editor and translator into Slovene ofArendt’s The Human Condition (1996) and Between Past and Future (2006). je ro m e k o h n is trustee of the Hannah Arendt Bluecher Literary Trust and Director of the Hannah Arendt Center at The New School for Social Research. He is the editor of a series ofvolumes of Arendt’s unpublished and uncollected works, and has written numerous essays on various aspects of her thought. É tie n n e ta s s in is professor of politi­ cal philosophy at the University Paris VII Denis-Diderot and a member of the Centre de Sociologie des Pratiques et des Représentations Politiques. His publi­ cations include Le trésorperdu: Hannah Arendt, l’intelligence de l'actionpolitique (1999) and Un monde commun: pour une cosmo-politique des conflits (2003), and he is the editor ofL’humaine condition politique: Hannah Arendt (2001). d a n a v i l l a is PackeyJ. Dee Professor of Political Theory at the University ofNotre Dame. He is the author of several books, includingArendtand Heidegger: The Fate ofthe Political (Princeton, 1996), Politics, Philosophy, Terror (Princeton, 1999), and Socratk Citizenship (Princeton, 2001). A new book, PublicFreedom, is forthcoming from Princeton in 2008. Villa is currently working on a book entitled Teachers of the People, which looks at the political pedagogy of Rousseau, Fichte, Hegel, Tocqueville, and Marx. e lis a b e th y o u n g -b ru e h l, a psychoana­ lyst in Manhattan, is the author, most recently, of Why Arendt Matters (2006). Her many publications also include...

