In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • A Report on Montana-Washington Implicational Research1
  • James C. Woodward Jr. (bio)
James C. Woodward

James Clyde Woodward, Jr. teaches linguistics and conducts research College (See also SLS 1, 2, 3). His current investigations at Gallaudet language differences across regional boundaries in the include sign southern U. S. and between white and black deaf communities.


1. Research on which this paper was based was supported in part by NSF grant 65-31349 and NIMH grant NS-10302-01.


(Although reference to all these works is not overtly made in this paper, these references from Woodward, 1973, are important for the theoretical background to this paper.)

Bailey, Charles-James N.
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Bailey, Charles-James N.
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Battison, Robbin, Lyn Friedman, and Robert Zambrano
1972 MS Unpublished Research Notes (Linguistics Research Laboratory, Gallaudet College).
Battison, Robbin, and James C. Woodward, Jr.
1972 MS Unpublished Research Notes (Linguistic Research Laboratory, Gallaudet College).
Bellugi, Ursula
1972 Studies in Sign Language, in Psycholinguistics and Total Communication: The State of the Art, ed. T. J. O’Rourke (Washington, D.C: American Annals of the Deaf), 68–84.
Bergman, Eugene
1972 Some Autonomous and Unique Features of American Sign Language, American Annals of the Deaf 117:1, 20–24.
Bickerton, Derek
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Bickerton, Derek
1972 The Structure of Polylectal Grammars, Georgetown University MSLL 25, 17–42.
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Chomsky, Noam
1957 Syntactic structures (The Hague: Mouton).
Chomsky, Noam
1964 Comments for Project Literacy Meeting, Project Literacy Reports no. 2 (Ithaca: Cornell University Press).
Chomsky, Noam
1965 Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press).
Chomsky, Noam, and Morris Halle
1968 The Sound Pattern of English (New York: Harper and Row).
Croneberg, Carl
1965 Sign Language Dialects, in A Dictionary of American Sign Language (Washington, D. C.: Gallaudet College Press), 313–319.
DeCamp, David
1968 (1971) Toward a Generative Analysis of a Post-creole Speech Continuum, in Pidginization and Creolization of Languages, ed. by Dell Hymes (Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press), 349–370.
DeCamp, David
(1972) What Do Implicational Scales Imply?, New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English, ed. by C-J N. Bailey and Roger W. Shuy (Washington, D. C.: Georgetown University Press).
DeSaussure, Ferdinand
1959 A Course in General Linguistics (New York: The Philosophical Library).
Donnels, Linda
1973 New Orleans Sign Videotape (Linguistics Research Laboratory, Gallaudet College).
Fant, Louie
1972 Ameslan (Silver Spring, Maryland: National Association of the Deaf).
Fasold, Ralph
1970 Two Models of Socially Significant Linguistic Variation, Language 46:3, 551–563.
Fasold, Ralph
(1972a) The Concept of ‘Earlier-later’; More or Less Correct, New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English, ed. C-J N. Bailey and Roger W. Shuy (Washington, D. C.: Georgetown University Press).
Fasold, Ralph
1972b Tense Marking in Black English (Washington, D. C.: Center for Applied Linguistics).
Fasold, Ralph
1973 Implicational and Variable Rule Analysis: Some Flies in the Ointment. A paper at the NWAVE II Conference, Georgetown University.
Ferguson, Charles
1959 Diglossia, Word 15, 325–340.
Ferguson, Charles
1972 Personal Communication.
Fischer, Susan D.
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Fishman, Joshua
1968 Readings in the Sociology of Language (The Hague: Mouton).
Gilleron, Jules, and Edmond Edmont
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Guttman, Louis
1944 A Basic for Scaling Qualitative Data, American Sociological Review 9, 139–150.
Hymes, Dell
1964 Towards Ethnographies of Communication, in The Ethnography of Communication, ed. John Gumperz and Dell Hymes, American Anthropologist 66:6, 1–34.
Hymes, Dell
1968 The Ethnography of Speaking, in Readings in the Sociology of Language, ed. Joshua Fishman (The Hague: Mouton).
Houston, Susan
1970 Competence and...
