In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index for Volume 35

Author Index to Volume 35

Indexed by issue number and page

Bowman, Nicholas A., 2:179

Brandenberger, Jay W., 2:179

Byun, Soo-yong, 3:463

Cabrera, Alberto F., 1:77

Cabrera, Nolan L., 3:375

Campbell, Corbin M., 1:77, 4:595

Chung, Anna, 3:403

Crisp, Gloria, 1:105

Curs, Bradley R., 4:627

Dowd, Alicia C., 1:17, 2:265

Dugan, John P., 4:595

Erickson, Shelley K., 3:355

Espinosa, Lorelle, 4:535

Griffin, Kimberly A., 4:535

Hagadorn, Linda Serra, 3:485

Harper, Casandra E., 4:627

Hora, Matthew Tadashi, 2:207

Irvin, Matthew J., 3:463

Iverson, Susan V., 2:149

Jessup-Anger, Jody E., 3:431

Kim, Dongbin, 2:237

Komives, Susan R., 4:595

Korn, Randi, 1:17

Malcom, Lindsey E., 2:265

Matthews, Cissy, 1:105

McClenney, Kay, 2:307

McCormick, Alexander C., 2:307

Meece, Judith L. 3:463

Melguizo, Tatiana, 3:403

Metcalfe, Amy Scott, 4:517

Muñiz, Marcela M., 4:535

Nora, Amaury, 1:105

Nuñez, Anne-Marie, 2:237

Olivas, Michael A., 1:1

Park, Julie J., 4:567

Porter, Stephen R., 1:45

Sawatzky, Misty, 1:17

Smith, Meredith, 4:595

Zumeta, William M., 1:131

Title Index to Volume 35

“Building a Multicontextual Model of Latino College Enrollment: Student, School, and State-Level Effects,” 2:237

“College Aid Policy and Competition for Diversity,” 3:403

“Constructing Outsiders:The Discursive Framing of Access in University Diversity Policies,” 2:149

“Do College Student Surveys Have Any Validity?”, 1:45

“Examining How Residential College Environments Inspire the Life of the Mind,” 3:431

“Experiencing the Unexpected: Toward a Model of College Diversity Experiences and Attitude Change,” 2:179 [End Page 673]

“Financial Aid and First-Year Collegiate GPA: A Regression Discontinuity Approach,” 4:627

“How Sound Is NSSE? Investigating the Psychometric Properties of NSSE at a Public, Research-Extensive Institution,” 1:77

“If You Build It, They Will Assess It (or, An Open Letter to George Kuh, with Love and Respect),” 1:1

“Imag(in)ing the University: Visual Sociology and Higher Education,” 4:517

“The Impact of Undergraduate Debt on the Graduate School Enrollment of STEM Baccalaureates,” 2:265

“The Influence of Campus Racial Climate on Diversity in Graduate Education,” 4:535

“‘Man, This Is Hard’: A Case Study of How Race and Religion Affect Cross-Racial Interaction for Black Students,” 4:567

“The Meaning of Academic Life,” 3:485

“Mentors and College Student Leadership Outcomes: The Importance of Position and Process,” 4:595

“Organizational Factors and Instructional Decision-Making: A Cognitive Perspective,” 2:207

“Predictors of Bachelor’s Degree Completion among Rural Students at Four-Year Institutions,” 3:431

“A Reconceptualization of CCSSE’s Benchmarks of Student Engagement,” 1:105

“Theoretical Foundations and a Research Agenda to Validate Measures of Intercultural Effort,” 1:17

“What Does It Mean to Be Accountable? Dimensions and Implications of Higher Education’s Public Accountability,” 1:131

“Will These Trees Ever Bear Fruit? A Response to the Special Issue on Student Engagement,” 2:307

“Women Ph.D. Students in Engineering and a Nuanced Terrain: Avoiding and Revealing Gender,” 3:355

“Working through Whiteness: White, Male College Students

Challenging Racism,” 3:375

Book Review Index to Volume 35

Richard Alfred, Christopher Shults, Ozan Jaquette, and Shelley Strickland, Community Colleges on the Horizon: Challenge, Choice, or Abundance (Tyler Billman), 4:652

Elizabeth J. Allan, Susan Van Deventer Iverson, and Rebecca Ropers-Huilman (Eds.), Reconstructing Policy in Higher Education: Feminist Poststructural Perspectives (Jeanie K. Allen), 2:335

Jeanie K. Allen, Diane R. Dean, and Susan J. Bracken (Eds.), Most College Students Are Women: Implications for Teaching, Learning, and Policy (Jeni Hart), 2:342

Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa, Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses (James J. Pancrazio), 4:667 [End Page 674]

Amy Aldous Bergerson, College Choice and Access to College: Moving Policy, Research, and Practice to the 21st Century (Gregory C. Wolniak), 4:669

Charles T. Clotfelter (Ed.), American Universities in a Global Market (Jill Crombie-Borgos and Kevin Kinser), 2:338

John Aubrey Douglass, C. Judson King, and Irwin Feller (Eds.), Globalization’s Muse: Universities and Higher Education Systems in a Changing World (Richard Yelland...

