In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

525 index 525 Review of Higher Education Author Index to Volume 31 Indexed by issue number and page Title Index to Volume 31 Anderson, Robert, 2:131 Astin, Helen S., 2:185 Berdahl, Robert O., 3:309 Bell, Angela, 2:131 Bowman, Nicholas A., 3:257 Cellini, Stephanie Riegg, 3:329 Cerna, Oscar, 4:433 Chang, Mitchell J., 4:433 Cintrón, Rosa, 1:81 Cypers, Scott, 4:401 Deluca Fernández, Sonia, 1:55 Dowd, Alicia C., 4:377 Engberg, Mark E., 1:27 Hagedorn, Linda Serra, 4:401 Han, June, 4:433 Hurtado, Sylvia, 3:257 Johnsrud, Linda K., 4:489 Kiyama, Judy Marquez, 2:209 Lechuga, Vicente M., 3:287 Leslie, David W., 3:309 Li, Chunyan, 2:131 Lindholm, Jennifer A., 2:185 Locks, Angela M., 3:257 Mayhew, Matthew J., 1:55 McCormick, Rudy, 2:209 Melguizo, Tatiana, 4:377, 4:401 Moore, John V., III, 3:465 Oosahwe, E. Star L., 1:81 Oseguera, Leticia, 3:257 Perna, Laura W. 2:131 Porter, Stephen R., 4:465 Quiroz, Marisol, 2:209 Rhee, Byung‑Shik, 2:161 Rhoades, Gary, 2:209 Rowan‑Kenyon, Heather T., 2:131 Sáenz, Victor, 4:433 Shotton, Heather J., 1:81 Thomas, Scott L. 2:131 Toutkoushian, Robert K., 4:465 Zhang, Liang, 1:1 “Assessment, Knowledge, and Customer Service: Contextualizing Faculty Work at For-Profit Colleges and Universities,” 3:287 “Causal Inference and Omitted Variable Bias in Financial Aid Research: Assessing Solutions,” 3:329 “The Contradictory Roles of Institutional Status in Retaining Underrepresented Minorities in Biomedical and Behavioral Science Majors,” 4:433 “The Effects of High School Feeder Networks on College Enrollment,” 3:27 “Extending Notions of Campus Climate and Diversity to Students’ Transition to College,” 3:257 “Faculty Work: Making Our Research Matter—More,” 4:489 ...

