In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received

Editions and Translations:

Almosnino, Moše ben Baruk. Regimiento de la vida / Tratado de los suenyos. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 255. Ed. John M. Zemke. Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2004. xix + 545 pp. append. illus. gloss. chron. bibl. $55.44. ISBN: 0-86698-298-1.
Amadis de Gaule. Livre IV. Textes de la Renaissance 92. Ed. Luce Guillerm. Trans. Herberay des Essarts. Paris: Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2005. 455 pp. index. illus. gloss. bibl. €55.60. ISBN: 2-7453-1159-X.
Andreini, Isabella. Selected Poems of Isabella Andreini. Ed. Anne E. MacNeil. Trans. James Wyatt Cook. Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2005. xii + 213 pp. index. tbls. $34.95. ISBN: 0-8108-5442-2.
Behiels, Lieve, and Kathleen V. Kish, eds. Celestina: An Annotated Edition of the First Dutch Translation (Antwerp, 1550). Avisos de Flandes-Fuentes 1. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2005. 413 pp. index. tbls. gloss. bibl. €30. ISBN: 90-5867-423-1.
Castelbranco, Vasco Mousinho de. Emblemática Lusitana e os Emblemas. Ed. Rubem Amaral. Lisbon: Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa, 2005. 154 pp. index. illus. bibl. €10. ISBN: 972-99298-6-6.
Ficino, Marsilio. Platonic Theology. Vol. 5, books 15-17. The I Tatti Renaissance Library 17. Ed. James Hankins and William Bowen. Trans. Michael J. B. Allen. Cambridge, MA, and London: Harvard University Press, 2005. viii + 354 pp. index. append. bibl. $29.95. ISBN: 0-674-01719-6.
Flavio, Biondo. Italy Illuminated. Vol. 5, books 1-4. The I Tatti Renaissance Library 20. Ed. and trans. Jeffrey A. White. Cambridge, MA, and London: Harvard University Press, 2005. xxvii + 490 pp. index. append. bibl. $29.95. ISBN: 0-674-01743-9.
Heise, Carl Georg. Persönliche Erinnerungen an Aby Warburg. Gratia: Bamberger Schriften zur Renaissanceforschung 43. Ed. Björn Biester and Hans-Michael Schäfer. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005. x + 149 pp. index. append. illus. bibl. €43. ISBN: 3-447-05215-5.
Hermeae, Ammonius. Commentaria in Peri hermeneias Aristotelis. Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca Versiones latinae temporis resuscitatarum (CAGL) 12. Facsimile ed. Trans. Bartholomaeus Sylvanus. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 2005. xxvi + 112 pp. index. illus. bibl. €132. ISBN: 3-7728-1232-5.
Lazzarelli, Lodovico. The Hermetic Writings and Related Documents. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 281. Ed. Wouter J. Hanegraaff and Ruud M. [End Page 310] Bouthoorn. Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2005. xii + 356 pp. index. bibl. $45. ISBN: 0-86698-324-4.
Lipsius, Justus. Epistolae. Part 8: 1595. Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Schone Kunsten. Ed. Jeanine G. De Landtsheer. Brussels: Paleis der Academien, 2004. 664 pp. index. bibl. n.p. ISBN: 90- 6569-932-5.
Maber, Richard G. Publishing in the Republic of Letters: The Ménage-Grœvius-Wetstein Correspondence 1679-1692. Studies in the History of Ideas in the Low Countries 6. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2005. 174 pp. + 6 b/w pls. index. illus. tbls. bibl. $54. ISBN: 90-420-1685-X.
Nadal, Jerome. Annotations and Meditations on the Gospels. Vol. 3, The Resurrection Narratives. Introduction by Walter S. Melion. Trans. Frederick A. Homann. Philadelphia: Saint Joseph's University Press, 2005. xv + 181 pp. illus. $39.95. ISBN: 0-916101-47-9.
North, Jonathan, ed. England's Boy King: The Diary of Edward VI, 1547-1553. Welwyn Garden City: Ravenhall Books, 2005. 192 pp. illus. chron. $29.95. ISBN: 1-905043-04-X.
Petrarch, Francesco. Epistole tardive de Francesco Petrarch: Edizione critica con introduzione 3 commento. Studia Latina Stockholmiensia 51. Ed. Gunilla Sävborg. Stockholm: Almquist & Wiksell International, 2004. 262 pp. illus. tbls. chron. €55. ISBN: 91-22-02076-4.
Potter, David, ed. Foreign Intelligence and Information in Elizabethan England: Two English Treatises on the State of France, 1580-1584. Camden Fifth Series 25. New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. ix + 262 pp. index. append. tbls. $75. ISBN: 0-521-84724-9.
Secundus, Johannes. Elegiarum libri tres. Vol. 2 of Œuvres complètes. Textes de la Renaissance 99. Ed. Roland Guillot. Paris: Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2005. 500 pp. + 8 b/w pls. index. illus. tbls. bibl. €85. ISBN: 2-7453-1322-3.
Serreius, Joannes. Grammaire française (1623). Textes de la Renaissance 91...

