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RECENT BOOKS OF INTEREST TO FRIENDS.155 " Quarterly Meeting " at Salem as early as 1683. In 1686 a Yearly Meeting held at Burlington directed that Salem and Newton (now Camden) should make one Quarterly Meeting. A pleasant supper hour followed the reading of the address. An outfit of cups, dishes, etc., were graciously placed at our disposal , and citizens of the town, Friends, members of the Historical Society and others, did much to make our visit a thing long to be remembered. At seven o'clock the special train bore homeward a very happy group of excursionists, with pleasant memories of the day and place, with some new and lasting impressions, and a well-grounded feeling that they had been to Salem. BOOKS, ETC., RECENTLY ISSUED, OF INTEREST TO FRIENDS. Christianity and Business. By Edward Grubb, M.A. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1912. 2/6. This is a small volume by the editor of the British Friend. It " had its origin in a discussion on ' Business Morality ' which was introduced at the Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends, in London, in May, 1911, and which was afterwards vigorously carried on in the denominational papers of that body." The text was originally written for the British Friend, but is now published in a revised and expanded form. The author states that he writes as a student of Economics and not as one with experience of business problems. Some may dissent from a few of the author's statements, and from his diagnosis of certain conditions, but no one can read his pages with any degree of attention without being made to think. His general conclusions seem to be sound. We commend the work as a thoughtful, sane, and suggestive treatment of a most important present-day question. Christian Discipline of the Religious Society of Friends of London Yearly Meeting. Part II. Christian Practice, consisting chiefly of Extracts from the Epistles and other Documents issued under the sanction of London Yearly Meeting, 1672 to 1911. Approved and adopted by the Yearly Meeting of 1911. London: Headley Brothers, 140 Bishopsgate [1912]. This volume is the result of careful labor, and was considered and approved at the adjourned session of London Yearly Meeteing, 1911, referred to in the last number of the Bulletin (p. 118). It is an ex- 156 BULLETIN OF FRIENDS' HISTORICAL SOCIETY. tremely interesting and valuable compilation and well worthy a thoughtful perusal by every concerned Friend. It is an admirable presentation of Christian Practice. It places daily life on a high level inculcating the highest ideals of conduct and service. Those who have the opportunity to consult the various editions of the London " Discipline " will notice how each edition emphasizes those questions which were to the front when that edition appeared, and which doubtless were a cause for the revision of the old and the addition of new sections. One is able to do this because by a praiseworthy custom the date of each paragraph or section is given. The following are examples. The chapter (ix) on " Counsel to the Young " is more than half new, that on " Education " (x) is also mostly new, so is that (xi) on " Counsel to Those in Perplexity," while that (xii) on " Counsel to Those in Moral Difficulty " is wholly new, as is also in chapter xiii, the section on the " Stewardship of Wealth." The sections on " Betting and Gambling " appear, we believe, for the first time. The sections on Peace have been revised and new ones added, and also those relating to Oaths. Three new paragraphs, " Civic Responsibility," " Service to Our Country," " Opportunities for Civic Service " (pages 126, 127) are worthy of careful consideration. Extracts frcm State Papers relating to Friends. Third Series, 1664 to 1669. London : Headley Brothers. Philadelphia : Herman Newman, 1010 Arch Street. New York : David S. Taber, 144 East Twentieth Street. 4/6, $1.15 net. This is Supplement No. 10 of the " Journal of the Friends' Historical Society," and continues the extracts from the State Papers. Like the preceding volumes, it gives the views of those opposed to Friends, and of the authorities, as well as some petitions from the suffering Friends. The papers here published are most...

