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BOOK REVIEWS63 worthiness") in Italy. Judging by the bibliography his Quaker reading has been broad, including all the standard histories from Croese and William Sewel, through the Rowntree Series, to Hugh Barbour and John Sykes. Of the journals, only the two great classics are listed, but for testimonies and theology one can mention Edward Grubb, Rufus Jones, Howard Brinton , and Theodor Sippel as well as Barclay; for social and political aspects Arnold Lloyd, Gary B. Nash and Richard T. Vann. Dell'Oro is a lover of William Penn and calls his Fruits of Solitude "quel delizioso lavoro." Broad though his reading has been, a tendentiousness in certain areas may be traceable to its limitations. There are very few errors of fact but an occasional misinterpretation of facts, as when he speaks of Friends' method of "choosing" their ministers, or when he fails to recognize the distinction (we hope there is) between "weight" and "social power" in the meeting for business. Worse is his statement that Philadelphia Yearly Meeting in 1 758 finally appointed a committee to persuade Friends to "sell dieir slaves." It is good to have this addition to the small amount of Quaker literature available in Italian. The next need is for a translation of some of John Woolman's writings, if literature of such a purity can ever be transferred from one language to anodier. PhiladelphiaMildred B. Young Tall Tales by a Tall Quaker. By Emmett W. Gulley. Contains an introduction by Levi T. Pennington. Private printing, 1973. 116 pages. $7.00 These reflections by Emmett Gulley cover a life of varied service in the interests of the Quaker movement. The stories include incidents in his service to Palestine refugees following the first Israeli-Arab conflict, efforts to pacify the Sons of Freedom Doukhobors in Canada, his refugee work in Spain following die Spanish War, and educational work at Pacific College. Included also are early memories of family pioneering in Kansas and Idaho and the Willamette Valley in Oregon. The stories read like Emmett Gulley would tell them with straightforward, homey phrasing and Lincoln-type jokes. Those who know Emmett Gulley will see the book as a self-portrait. His reflections upon life as a student at Haviland, Greenleaf Academy and Pacific College are interesting aldiough not as full as one might wish. His recollections concerning Pacific College are brief and partisan: they reflect the hurts of a conflict (the issues of which are more complex than he implies) which led to his resignation as president of Pacific College (now George Fox College). I knew Emmett Gulley as my Spanish teacher and as president of the college when I attended. I appreciate the sentence which relieves the bitterness and generalizes a quarter century of constructive churchcollege relationship, "The passing of time has changed the situation and die college is doing well now." Emmett Gulley provided a significant ministry dirough the college. So also did those whom he criticized. Out of die crisis Northwest Yearly Meeting and the college moved together onto a higher plane of cooperation. The college in 1967 awarded Emmett Gulley an "Alumnus of the Year" award in recognition of his varied and effective Christian and humanitarian service. These episodes from die life of Emmett Gulley testify to a resourceful, pragmatic Quaker activism which grew within pioneer America. It was an 64QUAKER HISTORY era of hard work and "making do," which is past for many people. Some of these lessons may have to be relearned in the new age of scarcity. George Fox CollegeArthur O. Roberts Early Quaker Christology by Maurice A. Creasey. Manasquan, N.J.: Catholic and Quaker Studies. $7.50 (postpaid) . The aim of this doctoral dissertation, presented in 1956, is to show that the Quaker doctrine of the inner light is a Christological rather than an anthropological doctrine. This is established from the writings of several early Friends. Certainly one of the clearest expressions is that of George Bishop in 1665 which is quoted on p. 25: "So that when we speak of die Seed, we speak of Christ, and mean Christ die Seed . . . And when we speak of die Light which is within, we mean Christ, the light of the World...

