In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Small Rain
  • Jeff Oaks (bio)

Small Rain

Morning tea black as an eye. Dark taste runs through me like a snake. Like an intestine.

What else in the birdsong besides the birdsong? They think they’ve found evidence for

the particle that brings mass to everything. On the radio another scientist says there’s always

the possibility this will make us all disappear in a microsecond. Light rain today, cool breeze

moving through the house. There are carpenter bees in the eaves which will cost us something.

There’s a window frame rotting that needs repair. Another celebrity couple is breaking up.

The black dog goes into the tiger lilies in the backyard and takes a dump. There are some things I don’t have to [End Page 162]

clean up for anyone other than myself. Teacup in which I stare back at myself. The sound of fans inside the house

like the sound of rain falling constantly when in fact there’s so little rain coming down. [End Page 163]

Jeff Oaks

Jeff Oaks’s newest chapbook, Mistakes with Strangers (Seven Kitchens P), is forthcoming. He has published poems most recently in Rhino, Field, and Bloom. His poem “Saint Wrench” was selected for Best New Poets 2012 by Matthew Dickman.


