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  • Poem, and: The Shower Cap
  • Julia Wendell (bio)


In the morning I go to wake youbut you're not sleeping, let alone hungry.I open the notebook,lead you out of your stall.But you gawk at the gate,won't bolt or eat.You could be like this for days& never die,staring up into my puffy eyeseach morning

from your safe reposeon my littered desk.Because no one really wants you,and nothing happensunless I shake you up,send you out into the worldwhere you may or may notgallop off, deserting & outliving me.

To hell with you,I'll stay at the barn,write lines in air& hours, in feed scoops & saddle repairs,and the way a thousand poundsbends around an inside leg at the slightestprovocation, & the light comes onamazing me each day with its catalogof the remainder,the welcoming nickers of the living. [End Page 145]

The Shower Cap

For my daughter

As I unfold it now, I can smell

The musty-sweet of Grandmother's Lake Chautauqua, 1960.Churning into the bathroom mirror in my first striped two-piece,

I was all alone with her lily-scented soaps and porcelain swans   and shower capAs sailboats lazed on the water, just outside her very pink   window.

It was a plastic cap, with little colored dotsScattered over the hood, and a terribly frayed elastic,

Which, in all the world,Could only have been hers.

Though my mother hated her own mother,She chose the signature keepsake,

Then left it at the bottom of a dresser drawerFor twenty years.

Each Easter, without fail, the pot of lilies would arrive,In a delivery truck chugging up the driveway.

I never had to check the cardTo know the sender: "Love, Mother."

Some things you can never own,But only choose and guard, and then pass on, [End Page 146]

Like grandmother's shower cap,Or the sweet, pervasive scent of lilies

Tucked between the lines of this poem. [End Page 147]

Julia Wendell

Julia Wendell's most recent collection of poems, Dark Track, was published by Word Tech Press in 2005. She is a three-day event rider.


