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Poetics Today 23.3 (2002) 539-555

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Doxa and Related Notions:
A Selected Annotated Bibliography of Francophone Research

Ruth Amossy
French and Poetics and Comparative Literature, Tel Aviv

Adam, Jean-Michel, and Marc Bonhomme
1997 L'argumentation publicitaire: Rhétorique de l'éloge et de la persuasion (Paris: Nathan).
Drawing on rhetoric and on pragmatics, an approach to the discourse of advertisement as a mode of communication meant to persuade by verbal and iconic means. Doxa plays a role in helping to establish a consensus on a given product, in the strategies used to overcome previous negative images, and in manipulating syllogistic forms. The analysis also adapts to its own ends the notion of topos as developed by the contemporary French pragmatists Jean-Claude Anscombre and Oswald Ducrot.

Adert, Laurent
1996 Les Mots des autres (Lille: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion).
Literary analysis of contemporary writers who inherited Gustave Flaubert's obsession with received ideas, particularly of how Nathalie Sarraute and Robert Pinget treat the Other's discourse.

Amossy, Ruth
1982 "The Cliché in the Reading Process," Sub-stance 35: 34–45.
On the uses and functions of verbal clichés in the reading process.
1991 Les idées reçues: Sémiologie du stéréotype (Paris: Nathan).
Examination of the contemporary notion of stereotype elaborated by the social sciences (mainly by social psychology) and by different trends [End Page 539] of literary studies. Defining the stereotype as a collective representation, a theme accompanied by a series of fixed attributes, the book stresses the fact that stereotype is not an existing entity but a reading construction and relates it to kindred notions, such as "type" or "myth" (in Roland Barthes's sense). It then demonstrates the fertility of the pejorative notion of stereotype; literature has devised a variety of textual strategies allowing for its massive use despite the general condemnation attached to it in modern consciousness. These strategies are analyzed in different kinds of literature, from classical texts to popular literature (star autobiographies or horror stories) and feminist texts.
1999 "Israël et les juifs dans l'argumentation de l'extrême droite: Les fonctions du doxique et de l'implicite," Mots 58: 79–100.
An analysis of examples drawn from the extreme right press in France to explore the strategies made possible by a recourse to implicit doxic elements. The doxic, which can be explicit, is distinct from the linguistic notion of the implicit, but the two can meet and reinforce each other.
2000 L'Argumentation dans le discours: Discours politique, littérature d'idées, fiction (Paris: Nathan).
Presentation of a rhetorical approach derived from Chaïm Perelman's new rhetoric but recast in terms of discourse analysis. Apart from chapters on the audience, on ethos and pathos, on enthymenes and analogies, and on pragmatic ways of argumentation analysis, one chapter is specifically devoted to doxa.

Amossy, Ruth, ed.
1999 Images de soi dans le discours: La construction de l'ethos (Geneva: Delachaux et Niestlé).
Collection of essays by Amossy, Marcelo Dascal, Ekkehard Eggs, Galit Haddad, Dominique Maingueneau, Meir Sternberg, and Alain Viala devoted to ethos as the building up of the orator's image in his or her discourse. Contains insights into the role of stereotypes and doxa in the interaction between speaker and addressee.

Amossy, Ruth, and Anne Herschberg Pierrot
1998 Stéréotypes et clichés: Langue, discours, société (Paris: Nathan).
Short survey, part of the series Collection 128, of notions of stereotype and cliché as they are defined and analyzed in different fields of research. After providing a history of the related notions of cliché, poncif, lieu commun, idée reçue, stéréotype, all associated to doxa, it proceeds to the various linkages made in the social sciences between stereotype and prejudice, social identity, cognition, and social representation. It then shows how clichés and stereotypes have been analyzed in literary studies, from stylistics and poetics to sociocriticism and reception [End Page 540] theories. The last chapter is devoted to the concepts of stereotype (Hilary Putnam), prototype (Georges Kleiber), and...

