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ANNOUNCEMENTS OF NEW BOOKS BIOLOGY The Autonomic Nervous System. ByJoseph Pick, M.D. Philadelphia:J. B. Lippincott Co., April 1970. Pp. 483. Illus. Bibliog. Index. $50.00. The results of twenty-five years of investigation of the autonomic nervous system, including morphological, comparative, clinical, and surgical aspects. Using die Zeiss operation microscope, Dr. Pick dissected the nerves of specific organs, starting at die major nerve stems and exposing dieir branches all die way to die finest nervelets. Cell Biology, 5th ed. By E. D. P. DeRobertis, M.D., Wiktor W. Nowtnski, Ph.D., and Francisco A. Saez, Ph.D. Philadelphia, London, and Toronto: W. B. Saunders Co., August 1970. Pp. xvii+555. Illus. Bibliog. Index. $11.00. The new revised fifth edition of this well-known college text describes die cell at all levels of organization, including its macromolecular and molecular architecture. Major emphasis is placed on cytochemical and functional manifestations of cellular activity; these topics are integrated with recent concepts derived from molecular biology and genetics. The Coccidian Parasites (Protozoa, Sporozoa) ofRuminants. By Norman D. Levtne and Virginia Ivens. Urbana, Illinois 61801: University of Illinois Press, October 1970. Pp. 192. Illus. Bibliog. Index. $8.50 (paper). The known information on taxonomy, structure, life cycle, hosts, location in the host, pathogenicity, geographic distribution, and cross-transmission is summarized and reviewed for the 100 named species ofCoccidia ofruminants by thesewell-known authorities in the field. The Comparative Anatomy and Histology ofthe Cerebellumfrom Monotremes through Apes. By Olof Larsell, Ph.D. Edited by Jan Jansen, M.D. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, August 1970. Pp. viii+269. Illus. Bibliog. Index. $16.00. This is the second volume of the late Dr. Larsell's comprehensive monograph on the cerebellum. The third and final volume, dealing with die human cerebellum, will be published next spring. Genetics ofthe Evolutionary Process. By Theodosius Dobzhansky. New York: Columbia University Press, December 1970. Illus. Bibliog. Index. The world's foremost geneticist surveys the major developments in what is emerging as the most important single area ofscientific inquiry in the twentiedi century: biological science in general, and the biological dieory ofevolution in particular. The Telencephalon of the Western Painted Turtle. By R. Glenn Noethcutt. Urbana, Illinois 61801: University of Illinois Press,June 1970. Pp. 113. Illus. Bibliog. Index. $5.95 (paper). Announcements ofNew Books Perspectives in Biology and Medicine · Autumn 1970 Northcutt here examines the organization of the forebrain and describes in detail the telencephaliccenters and theirconnections in Chrysemys Pietà belli, in order to determine the structural and functional significance of these members of the therapsid radiation. He proposes an important new view regarding the evolution of the forebrain in vertebrates . GENERAL Biophilosophy. By Bernhard Rensch. Translated by Cecilia Sym. New York: Columbia University Press, January 1971. Index. $9.95. The powerfully provocative statements which characterize this attempt to construct a natural philosophy oflife on the basis ofpresent-day biological knowledge and physical concepts will be thought-provoking and stimulating to scientists, philosophers, theologians , and informed lay readers. Joseph Banks in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1766. Edited by M. A. Lysaght. Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press, November 1970. Pp. 416. Illus. $40.00. This is an account ofBanks's voyage on the Niger (prior to his sailing around the world with Captain Cook), including his diary, manuscripts, and collections. Dr. Lysaght supplies background to the voyage and reviews the importance of Banks's specimens as the first properly documented collections from that part ofNorth America. MEDICINE "Black Rover, Come Over!": The Hypnosymholic Treatment ofa Phobia. With audiotape. By C. Scott Moss and PaulineJames. Urbana, Illinois 61801: University ofIllinois Press, September 1970. Pp. 96 and tape (1 hr 45 min, 3J IPS, reel or cassette). Book and tape, $12.50; book only, $3.95 (paper). This account of the swift and successful treatment of a patient with an extreme phobia includes Moss's introductory essay, the patient's personal story, and transcribed excerpts from the taped therapy sessions. Intended to accompany Dreams, Images and Fantasy: A Semantic Differential Casebook by C. Scott Moss, published simultaneously. Brain Damage and the Mind. By Moyra Williams. Baltimore: Penguin Books, Inc., July 1970. $1.95. Summarizes current knowledge about the kinds of mental impairment caused by...

