In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Instructions
  • Robert Ashley (bio)


The Soloist is given a "focus" pitch for each of the fifteen sections of the piece. "Focus" means singing "in tune with" the given pitch but using the inflections of speech. The vocal sound is a kind of inflected chanting.

Section and focus pitch: 1-F / 2-C / 3-Db / 4-Eb / 5-Ab / 6-Gb / 7-F / 8-C / 9-Db / 10-Eb / 11-Ab / 12-Gb / 13-F / 14-E (natural) / 15-F

The Solo vocal style should be as "casual" as possible; that is, it should be as much like speech as possible but focused on a sung pitch. This style is a kind of "crooning." This means that the sounds of "extended vocal techniques" are not appropriate to the meaning of the text. Also, the Soloist uses the microphone rather than "projecting" the voice. This means that the vocal sound is rather softer than in traditional singing.

The tempo of the Solo line is roughly the tempo of the title spoken slowly and evenly at a natural rate.


(While the word "the" in the title is usually spoken as an unaccented pick-up to the next word, in the singing of the solo line that syllable is treated as a beat that is equal in stress and duration to the other seven.) [End Page 12]

  • World War III Just the Highlights
  • Robert Ashley (bio)


I am not at all sur- prised /
/ that / the San Fran- cis- co
Op- er- a is plan- ning / to
do / / the Ring. / / /
It's ex- act- ly / the kind of
/ i- de a / / that /
gets / / ex- cit- ing / /
at the first / meet- ing of /
/ the high school / / / e-
vents / / com- mit- tee. / /
Though it's hard / / to / i-
ma gine that the high / fly- ers
/ in / the Bay A- re- a
/ would / sub- scribe / to /
/ / Rich- ard Wag- ner's / /
i - de- a that suf- fer- ing and
death / lead to hap- pi- ness in
/ / the here- af- ter / /
which / sounds / more like / /
a fa- na- tic i- de a from


Some re- li- gion / nor am I
/ sur- prised / / that / /
ma- jor pa- trons / of / the
San Fran- cis- co Op- er- a /
went a- long with the deal. / /
They don't know / what they're get- ting

[End Page 13]

in- to, / / and / they /
have no rea- son / to care. /
/ / Af- ter / the frst /
for- ty- fve min- utes the ve- ry
rich / / and pow- er- ful and
bus- y old man / can split /
/ and leave the wife / to /
clean up / the so- cial / /
mess. / / / (Or / / the
oth- er way a- round de- pend- ing
/ on / who's count- ing.) / /
/ I am sur- prised / that the
San Fran- cis- co Op- er- a di-
rec- tor- ate did not come up with
/ a more / / cre- a- tive
/ and...

