In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 20

Adair, Vivyan, “The Missing Story of Ourselves: Poor Women, Power, and the Politics of Feminist Representations,” 1:1–25.

Ahmed, Fauzia, “Microcredit, Men, and Masculinity,” 2:122–55.

Armstrong, Elisabeth, reviewer, 1:229–33.

Mary Armstrong, reviewer, 3:221–7.

Badruddoja, Roksana, “Queer Spaces, Places, and Gender: The Tropologies of Rupa and Ronica,” 2:156–88.

Baker, Carrie, reviewer, 3:208–11.

Batlan, Felice, “Weathering the Storm Together (Torn Apart by Race, Gender, and Class),” 3:163–84.

“Battered Women, Catastrophe, and the Context of Safety after Hurricane Katrina,” Pam Jenkins and Brenda Phillips, 3:49–68.

Besen-Cassino, Yasemin, “Cost of Being a Girl: Gender Wage Differentials in the Early Labor Markets,” 1:146–60.

Bird, Sharon R., and Jill M. Bystydzienski, eds., Removing Barriers: Women in Academic Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, rev’d, 3:221–7.

Black Women and Music: More than the Blues, Eileen M. Hayes, rev’d, 3:200–4.

Block, Diana, Urzula Wislanka, Cassie Pierson, and Pam Fadem, “The Fire Inside: Newsletter of the California Coalition for Women Prisoners,” 2:48–70.

Boisseau, T.J., Kathryn Feltey, Karen Flynn, Laura Gelfand, and Mary Triece, “Centering Gender and Women’s Experiences in Katrina’s New Orleans,” 3:vii–xviii.

Boyd, Richard, and Elizabeth Colwill, “Teaching without a Mask? Collaborative Teaching as Feminist Practice,” 2:216–46.

Browne, Kate, “From the Filmmaker, Still Waiting: Life After Katrina,” 3:196–9.

Browne, Kate, Still Waiting: Life After Katrina, rev’d, 3:196–9.

Buchanan, Harriette, reviewer, 3:215–21.

Bystydzienski, Jill M. and Sharon R. Bird, eds., Removing Barriers: Women in Academic Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, rev’d, 3:212–8.

C., Valencia, “Expressions of Injustice,” 2:71.

Campbell, Jane, and Theresa Carilli, Women and the Media: Diverse Perspectives, rev’d, 1:222–7.

Carilli, Theresa, and Jane Campbell, Women and the Media: Diverse Perspectives, rev’d, 1:222–7.

Cassidy, Marsha F., What Women Watched: Daytime Television in the 1950s, rev’d, 1:222–7.

“Centering Gender and Women’s Experiences in Katrina’s New Orleans,” T. J. Boisseau, Kathryn Feltey, Karen Flynn, Laura Gelfand, and Mary Triece, 3: vii–xviii.

Chamberlain, Ann, A History of Women’s Seclusion in the Middle East: The Veil in the Looking Glass, rev’d, 1:227–8.

Christman, Phil, reviewer, 2:247–52.

A Chronology of Jane Austen and Her Family, Deirdre Le Faye, rev’d, 1:209–14.

The City of Dreadful Delight, Judith Walkowitz, rev’d, 1:214–218.

Colwill, Elizabeth and Richard Boyd, “Teaching without a Mask? Collaborative Teaching as Feminist Practice,” 2:216–46. [End Page 233]

cooke, miriam, reviewer, 1:227–8.

“Cost of Being a Girl: Gender Wage Differentials in the Early Labor Markets,” Yasemin Besen-Cassino, 1:146–60.

Cronin, Richard and Dorothy McMillian, eds., Emma in The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Jane Austen, rev’d, 1:209–14.

“Cultural Trauma, Memory, and Gendered Collective Action: The Case of Women of the Storm Following Hurricane Katrina,” Emmanuel David, 3:138–62.

Daughters of Earth: Feminist Science Fiction in the Twentieth Century, Justine Larbalestier, rev’d, 2:262–3.

David, Emmanuel, “Cultural Trauma, Memory, and Gendered Collective Action: The Case of Women of the Storm Following Hurricane Katrina,” 3:138–62.

“Decoding Black Women: Policing Practices and Rape Prosecution on the Streets of Philadelphia,” Toni Irving, 2:100–20.

Desiring China: Experiments in Neoliberalism, Sexuality, and Public Culture, Lisa Rofel, rev’d, 2:258–62.

“Devastating Dream, The,” Jasmyn Kline, 2:121.

Dicken-Garcia, Hazel, reviewer, 1:222–7.

Dietzel, Susanne, Vicki Mayer, Beth Willinger, Pamela Jenkins, Susan Tucker, Pamela Moore, Pamela Waldron, Betsy Hemenway, Crystal Kile, Violet Harrington Bryan, and Julia Reineman, “Losing Ground but Finding the High Road: Teaching Women’s Studies in Post-Katrina New Orleans,” 3:185–92.

“Displacement, Gender, and the Challenges of Parenting after Hurricane Katrina,” Lori Peek and Alice Fothergill, 3:69–105.

Dorotik, Jane, “Living on the Inside,” 2:19–23.

Duncan, Patti, reviewer, 2:258–62.

Durodoye, Beth A., and Elizabeth Murakami-Ramalho, “Looking Back to Move Forward: Katrina’s Black Women Survivors Speak,” 3:115–37.

Enarson, Elaine, reviewer, 3:193–5.

Emma in The Cambridge...

