In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Elizabeth F. Evans <> teaches at the University of Notre Dame. Her publications include essays on George Gissing, Amy Levy, and Virginia Woolf and a co-edited collection, Woolf and the City (2010). She is currently completing a book manuscript, Liminal London: Gender and Threshold Spaces in Narratives of Urban Modernity, on gender and space in modern British fiction and culture.

Mollie Godfrey <> teaches in the Department of English at Bates College, where she has worked with undergraduates to preserve and publicize the archival collection of the Maine NAACP. Her article “Rewriting White, Rewriting Black: Authentic Humanity and Authentic Blackness in Nella Larsen’s ‘Sanctuary’” is forthcoming in MELUS. She is now working on a manuscript that examines African American critiques and transformations of American humanism during Jim Crow.

Sheri-Marie Harrison <> teaches Caribbean literature and cultural studies in the English Department at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Her article “‘Yes, ma’am, Mr. Lowe:’ Lau A-Yin and the Politics of Gender and Sexuality in Patricia Powell’s The Pagoda” was published in Anthurium: A Caribbean Studies Journal’s special issue on the Asian Experience in the Caribbean. Her forthcoming study is Difficult Subjects: Negotiating Sovereignty in Postcolonial Caribbean Literature.

Nidesh Lawtoo <> teaches in the Department of English at the University of Lausanne. He is the editor of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Contemporary Thought: Revisiting the Horror with Lacoue-Labarthe (2012) and the author of The Phantom of the Ego: Modernism and the Mimetic Unconscious (2013). The present article is part of a manuscript in progress on Conrad and mimetic theory.

Josephine Park <> is Associate Professor of English and the Director of the Asian American Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania. She is the author of Apparitions of Asia: Modernist Form and Asian American Poetics, and she is presently completing a study of Cold War Asian American allegiances entitled Making Friendlies: Korea, Vietnam, and Asian America. [End Page 228]

Vike Martina Plock <> is Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Exeter. She is the author of Joyce, Medicine, and Modernity (UPF, 2010) and the editor of a special issue on James Joyce and physiology of the James Joyce Quarterly. She is currently writing a book on interwar women writers, fashion, and cultural modernity provisionally entitled En Vogue: Women Writers, Fashion, and the Fictions of Modernity.

Erwin Rosinberg <> teaches in the Department of English at Emory University. His article on Women in Love is part of a manuscript in process, “A Further Conjunction”: The Couple and Its Worlds in Modern British Fiction. He is also interested in the role of green spaces in modernist fiction, and has published reviews in English Literature in Transition and Woolf Studies Annual. [End Page 229]


