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  • Contributors

Jane Garrity is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Colorado at Boulder. She is currently at work on a book provisionally titled Telling It Slant: British Women Modernists and the Experimental Novel.

Martine Hennard teaches at the University of Lausanne. She is completing work on origin and originality in Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses.

John Johnston is an Associate Professor of English at Emory University. His Carnival of Repetition: Gaddis' The Recognitions and Postmodern Theory was published in 1990. He is currently completing a manuscript entitled Information Multiplicity: American Fiction in the Age of Late Capitalism and High Technology.

Margaret Scanlan has written recent articles on terrorism in Henry James and on Durenmatt. She is currently finishing Plotting Terror, a study of terrorism in fiction from James to the present. Professor Scanlan teaches in the English department at Indiana University, South Bend. Her Traces of Another Time: History and Politics in Postwar British Fiction was published by Princeton in 1990.

Fred See is Professor of English at Suny-Buffalo and the author of Desire and The Sign: Nineteenth Edition American Fiction.

Caroline Webb has recently published work in South Atlantic Review, and her "Listing to the Right: Authority and Inheritance in Orlando and Ulysses" is forthcoming in Twentieth-Century Literature. She has recently completed Enigmatic Reflections: The Anti-Allegories of Woolf, Murdoch, and Byatt. Professor Webb teaches in the English department at Wellesley College. [End Page 238]


