In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Modern Drama Studies: An Annual Bibliography CHARLES A. CARPENTER The present annual bibliography follows the basic principles and limitations described in the June 1984 issue. The main objective is to record current scholarship, criticism, and commentary that may prove valuable to students of dramatic literature and, to a lesser extent, of theatre history. The bibliography embraces all the expected areas and topics of modem world drama, including playwrights who lived past 1899 (plus Buchner and Becque) and influential theatre figures other than perfonners. Reviews, reprinted books, unpublished theses, and graduate-student periodicals are generally excluded. The annual bibliography also serves as a supplement to my Modem Drama Scholarship and Criticism 1966-1980: An International Bibliography (University of Toronto Press). The present installment, for example, includes over 250 entries dating from 1966 to 1980 - a great many of them garnered from the sumptuous volumes of Romanische Bibliographie, edited by Gustav Ineichen. The checklist is divided as follows: A General (including reference works) B American C British and Irish D Commonwealth and Asian E Hispanic (including Portuguese) F French G Italian H Germanic (including Austrian, Swiss, and Dutch) J Scandinavian K Eastern European (Russian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Balkan, Baltic) Section A is restricted to material that would not fit in the better defined categories. I am indebted to the library staffs ofSUNY - Binghamton, Cornell, Harvard, and the Library of Congress. An Annual Bibliography Abbreviations used in the checklist, besides those for the journals listed below, include Lon, NY, Bos and NY for the cities, Amer, Eng, Lit, Lang, Bibl, Assn, and Lib for the obvious, and UP to indicate "University Press" or any university's press. Further abbreviations - most of them self-evident - are Bulfor Bulletin, J for Journal, Mag for Magazine, Q for Quarterly, and Rev for Review. Beginning in this issue, some items that I have just been able to examine are repeated from previous listings (in the volume as well as the journal) for the purpose of "expanding" them - indexing relevant sections under further subjects - or simply to correct them. These are marked "exp. entry" and "corr. entry." JO URN AL ABBREVIA TIONS ABnG Amsterdamer Beitrage zur CRB Cahiers Renaud-Barrault Neueren Gerrnanistik CTR Canadian Theatre Review ADS Australian Drama Studies OAk Dramatisch Akkoord AFT Angol Filol6giai Tanulmanyokl OW Dialog (Warsaw) Hungarian Studies in English DWB Dietsche Warande en Belfort AG Acta Gennanica EASt Englisch Amerikanische A10N Annali Istituto Universitario Studien Orientale ECan Etudes CanadienneslCanadian ALIL Annar de Linguistica ~j Istorie Studies Literara EFM Ecriture Franc;aise dans Ie AQA Analysis: Quademi di Monde Anglistica Eire Eire/Ireland ATh American Theatre ELi! Etudes Litteraires AuEng Anglistik & Englischunterricht EON Eugene O'Neill Newsletter AUW Acta Universitatis ExTL Explicaci6n de Textos Wratislaviensis Literarios BCZG BHitter der Carl-Zuckmayer- FK Filo16giai Kozlony Gesellschaft ForurnZ Forum (Zagreb) BIEA Boletfn del Instituto de FSSA French Studies in Southern Estudios Asturianos Africa CanD Canadian Drama Gades Gades (Univ. de Cadiz) CCV Cahiers Charles V Gestos Gestos: Teoria y Pnictica del CD Comparative Drama Teatro Hispanico CER Cahiers d'Etudes Romanes GLaL German Life & Letters CHA Cuademos Hispanoamericanos GN Germanic Notes CIBS Communications from the HofF Hofmannsthal-Forschungen International BreCht-Society I&L Ideologies & Literature CJC Cahiers Jean Cocteau IJAS Indian Journal of American CMHLB Cahiers du Monde Hispanique Studies et Luso-Bresilien IndS Independent Shavian An Annual Bibliography 163 JEP lournal of Evolutionary QS Qufbec Studies Psychology QT Quadcrni di Teatro JKUH Journal of the Kamatak RAL Research in African Literatures University: Humanities RBLL Revista Brasileira de Lingua e JPC lournal of Popular Culture Literatura KfC KodikasiCode: An International RCLL Revisla de Critica Lileraria Journal of Semiotics Latinoamericana KOad Kritikas Gadagramata RCrit Ragioni Critiche KjK Keel ja Kirjandus RevI RevistalReview KuL Kunst und Literatur Inleramericana LATR Latin American 1beatte Review ROad Rail}a Gadagramata Letras Lelras (Buenos Aires) RHT Revue d'Histoire du Theatre LitV Literatiira (Vilnius) RI Revista lberoamericana LLETS Litteratures de Langues RRHA Revue Roumaine d'Histoire de EUfopeennes au Toumant du I'Art: Serie Theatre . . Siecle, Serie A, B, C RSltal Rivista di S(udi Italiani LsL Limb~ ~i Literatura SAD Studies in American Drama, MD Modem Drama J945-Present ML Modem Languages SCIA Studii ~i Cercetari de Istoria MLit Miesiccznik Literacki Anci: Scria...

