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Modem Drama Studies: An Annual Bibliography CHARLES A. CARPENTER The present annual bibliography follows the basic principles and limitations described in the June 1984 issue. The main objective is to record current scholarship, criticism, and commentary that may prove valuable to students of dramatic literature and, to a lesser extent, of theatre history. The bibliography embraces all the expected areas and topics of modem world drama, including playwrights who lived past 1899 (plus Buchner and Becque) and influential theatre figures other than performers. Reviews, reprinted books, and unpublished theses are excluded. The annual bibliography also serves as a supplement to my Modern Drama Scholarship and Criticism, 1966-1980: An International Bibliography, which is scheduled for publication by the University of Toronto Press next month. The checklist is divided as follows: A General (including reference works) B American C British and Irish o Commonwealth and Asian E Hispanic (including Portuguese) F French G Italian H Germanic (including Austrian, Swiss, and Dutch) J Scandinavian K Eastern European (Russian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Balkan, Baltic) Section A is restricted to material that would not fit in the better defined categories. I am indebted to the library staffs ofSUNY - Binghamton, Cornell, the Library ofCongress, and the British Library. I welcome a collaborator who will help with German publications: Dr. Heiner Schnelling, Universitiitsbib- 224 An Annual Bibliography liothek, Freie Universitiit Berlin. Last year I announced that I was taking a one'year break from the job. So much for vows; this year's installment is the fullest ever. Abbreviations used in the checklist, besides those for the journals listed below, include Lon, Bos and NY for the cities, Amer, Eng, Lit, Lang, Bibl, Assn, and Lib for the obvious, and UP to indicate "University Press" or any university's press. Further abbreviations - most of them self-evident - are Bul for Bulletin, J for Journal, Mag for Magazine, Q for Quarterly, and Rev for Review. JOURNAL ABBREVIATIONS ADS Australian Drama Studies MuK Maske und Kothum AIFS Australian Joumal of French NCL Notes on Contemporary Studies Literature AUW Acta Universitatis OA O'Casey Annual Wratislaviensis O-N Otto-Novecento BCZG Bliitter der Carl-Zuckmayer- PArJ Perfonning ADs Journal Gesellschaft PrA Primer Acto CAlEF eahiers de l'Association QFG Quaderni di Filologia Intemationale des Etudes Gennanica della Facolta Franc;aises di Lettere e Filosofia CanD Canadian Drama deU'Universita di Bologna CF Culture Franc;aise (Paris) REH Revista de Estudios CFB Culture Fran<;aise (Bari) Hispanicos CJG Cahlers Jean Giraudoux RHT Revue d'Histoire du Theatre CIS Claudel Studies RSP Rivista di Studi Pirandelliani . CSW Cahiers S.I. WitkiewiczIWitkacy SHAW SHAW: The Annual of EF Etudes Franr;aises Bernard Shaw Studies EON Eugene O'Neill Newsletter SID Slovenske Divadlo FK Filol6giai Koz15ny SuF Sinn und Form FR French Review TDR The Drama Review GBJ Georg Buchner Jahrbuch TK Text & Kontext GLR Garcia Lorea Review TLL Travaux de Linguistique et de HBI Hofmannsthal BHitter Litterature HisJ Hispanic lournal TRl Theatre Research IUR Irish University Review International KuL Kunst uDd Literatur TuK Text und Kritik LATR Latin American Theatre Review TWR Tennessee Williams Review LIC Letteratura Italiana WB Weirnarer Beitrage Contemporanea. WLWE World Literature Written in MD . Modem Drama English A: General 225 A: GENERAL I AMIARD-CHEVREL, CLAUDINE, ED. Du cirque au theatre. Paris: Age d'Honune, '83.239 p. (intro. by ed., 7-15) 2 •Anthropology and theatre: Eugenio Barba, interviewed by Gautam Dasgupla; Alessandro Fersen, interviewed by Bonnie Marranca.' PAr} 24 ('84) 8-27 3 ARMAND, ALAIN. & GtRARD CHOPINET. La litJerarure reunionnaise d' expression creole (1828-1982). Paris: Harmattan,'83. 278-90: 'Une evolution theatrale interessante' (excerpts, 282-90) 4 ARRlvt, MICHEL. 'Nai'ves remarques sur un textc dramatique envisage dans sa manifestation graphique.' AJFS 20 (,83) 278-87 (passage from Sartre's Le diable et ie bon Dieu) 5 AUSLANDER, PHILlP.• "Holy theatre" and catharsis.' TRI9 ('84) 16- 29 6 BABLET. DENIS, ED. Les voies de La creation thetllrale, 10: Krejea - Brook. Paris: CNRS,'82. 309P. 7 BAILEY , CLAUDIA J. A guide to reference and bibliography for theatre research. 2nd ed. Columbus: Ohio St. Univ. Libs. ,'83· 149p. 8 BANU, GEORGES. Le theatre, sorties de secours: essais critiques. Paris: Aubier ,'84. 222p. 9 BASSNEIT-MCGUIRE, SUSAN. Translation studies. Lon: Methuen,'80, 120-32: 'Translating dramatic texts' 10 BEN CHAIM, DAPHNA. Distance in the theatre: the aesthetics ofaudience response. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research,'84. II Ip. I I BENSTON, ALlCE N. 'From Vbu Roi to Macbett: a requiem for the theatre of the absurd.' Genre 16 (,83) 157-73 12 8ETTETINI, GIANFRANCO, &: MARCO DE MARINIS. Tea/ro y comunicazione. Rimini: Guaraldi,'77. I 59p.: inel. Bettetini, 'Appunti per una semiotica del teatro,' 9-32, & bibls. [3 BIENKOWSKI, lAROSlAW. 'Symbole identyfIkacji pokoleniowej mlodego teatru i jego funkcje integracyjne.' Kultura i Spo/eczerislWo 27 ii (,83) 99-109 ]4 80RlE, MONIQUE. Mythe et theatre aujourd'hui: une quete impossible? Beckett, Genet, GrOlowski. Ie Living Theatre . Paris: Nizet,'8I. 208p. 15 BRUNEL, PIERRE. Thelltre et cruaute, ou Dionysos profane. Paris: M6ridicns,'82. 157p· 16 CARDWELL, DOUGLAS. 'The well-made play of Eugene Scribe.' FR 56 (,83) 876-84 17 CARLSON, MARVIN A. 'Contemporary concerns in the semiotics of theatre.' Semi· olica 48 ('84) 28/-91 18 CARPENTER, CHARLES A. 'Modem drama studies: an annual bibliography.' MD 27 ('84) 174-260 19 CASTELLANO, lost. 'Teatro y comunicaci6n.' Arbor 06 (,83) 441-56 20 CHAUDHURI, UNA. 'The spectator in drama/drama in the spectator.' MD 27 ('84) 281- 98 226 A: General 21 'A contribution to the semiotics of theatre.' AlFS 20 (,83) 259-389: symp. 22 CORRIGAN, ROBERT w. 'The search for new endings: the theatre in search ofa fix, part III.' Theatre J 38 ('84) 153-63 23 CURTI, lIDiA. 'La testualita del fauo teatrale.· Annali IsritulO Universitario Orientale. Napoli. Sezione Germanica: Anglistica 25 ii- iii (,82) 123-45 24 DAVEY. LYNDA A. 'Communication and the game of theatre.' Poetics 13 ('84) 5-15 25 DE MARlNIS, MARCO. 'Saggio bihliografico' & 'Bihliografia generale.' In [AI2] 33-131, 133-59 26 OINU, MIHAL 'Entropy and prediction in the study of theatre.' Poetics 13 ('84) 57-70 27 DONALDSON, IAN, ED. Transformations in modern European drama. Lon: MacmiIlan ,'83. 181p. 28 Drama and religion. Themes in drama, 5. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, '83· 319P. 29 EBSTEIN. JONNY. & PHILIPPE IVERNEL, EDS. Le thtlirre d'intervention depuis 1968: etudes etlemoignages. Lausanne: Age d'Homme,'83. 2 vols. 30 ElAM, KEIR. 'Much ado about doing things with words (and other means): some problems in the pragmatics of theatre and drama.' AlFS 20 (,83) 261-77 3J ESSLIN, MARTIN. 'From doppelgangers to doubles in drama. ' Stanford French Rev 8 i ('84) 35-46 32 FAAS, EKBERT. Tragedy and after: Euripides, Shakespeare, Goethe. Kingston: McGill-Queen's UP,'84, 176-88: 'Tragedy and psychology': also on modem tragedy, see 16-19 32A FtRAl. JOSETTE. 'Writing and displacement: women in theatre.' MD 27 ('84) 549- 63 (tr. from FR 56 ['82] 281-92) 33 FINTER, HELGA , 'Experimental theatre and semiology of theatre: the theatricaIization of voice.' MD 26 (,83) 501- 17 34 FISCHER, ULRICH . Der Fortschritt im leanne-d'Arc-Drama des 20. lahrhunderts. Frankfurt: Lang,'82. 452P. 35 FISCHER-LICHTE, ERIKA. 'Dialoglinguistik oder Dialoghenneneutik? Uberlegungen zum Problem einer systematischen Analyse des dramatischen Dialogs. ' Wirkendes Wort 34 ('84) 282- 305 36 - Semiotik des Theaters: eine Einfiihrung. Ttibingen: Narr,'83. 3 vols. 37 FRIEDRICH, RAINER. 'Drama and ritual.' In [A28) 159-223 (2°3-12: 'Ritual and the modem stage'; see also 193-95) 38 GARGANO, ANTONELlA. 'II teatro espressionista.' In [A86] 241 - 60 39 GILES, STEVE. The problem ofaction in modern European drama. Stuttgart: Heinz,'8I. 314P. 40 GILLESPIE, PA" TTI P., & KENNETH M. CAMERON. Western theatre: revolution and revival. NY: Macmillan,'84, 398- 536. 41 GOll, ROLAND M. Theorie theatralell Handellls: Uberlegullgell Zlir Konstitutiml und Legitimation einer Kunstgattullg. Erlangen: Palm & Enke,'8 1. 292P. A: General 227 42 HADAMOWSKY, FRANZ. Biicherkunde deutschsprachiger TheaterLireralur. Vienna : B6hlau,'82 43 HIRST . DAVID L. Tragicomedy. Lon: Methuen;84. I41p. 44 HOSSNER, ULRICH. Erschaffen und Sichtbarmachen: das theateriisthetische Wissen der historischen Avantgarde von Jarry his Artaud. Bern: Lang,'S). 304p· 4S HUNNINGHER, BENJAMIN. De opkomst van modern theater: van traditie tot experiment . Amsterdam: International Theatre Bookshop,'83· I59P· 46 HUNTER, GEORGE K. 'Political theater in Shakespeare - and later.' Mosaic 16 iv (,83) 1- 14 47 INNIS, CHRISTOPHER D.• "The kiss of death": criticism and the theatre,• Gamut 4 (,83) 47-54 48 KARNICK, MANFRED. Rollenspiel und Welttheater: Untersuchungen an Dramen Calderons, Schillers, Strindbergs. Becketts ulld Brechts. Munich: Fink, '80. 388p. 49 KAUFFMANN, STANLEY. Theater criticisms. NY: Performing Arts Journal PubIs.,'83. 230P. (from New Republic, Saturday Review, etc.) 50 KERN, EDITH. 'AlogicaJ drama: how old? how new?' In [A91] 5-12 (from her The absolute comic,'So) 51 KOHLER, KLAUS. 'The Establishment and the absurd: trends. ideologies and techniques in non-realistic drama from Beckett to Pinter (pan I).' Zeitschrift/iir AlIglistik und Amerikanistik 32 ('84) 140- 52 52 KUSHNER, EVA. 'Myth and literature: the example of modem drama.•Neohelicofl 10 i (,83) 41-53 53 LAFON, DOMINIQUE. ' Mo(h~le et analyse: de J'application de schema actantiel au reeit tMAtral.' Incidences 6 i-ii (,82) 83- 91 54 LAHR, JOHN. Automatic vaudeville: essays on star turns. NY: Knopf,'84. 24Ip.: inel. essays, some reprinted, on Coward, Shepard, O'Neill, & Orton 55 LEE, SANG-KYONG. No ulld europiiisches Theater: eine Untersuchung der Auswirkungen des No auf Gestaltung und inszenierung des zeitgenossischen europiJ .ischen Dramas. Frankfurt: Lang,'83. 272P. 56 LONEY . GLENN M. Twentieth century theatre. NY: Facts on File,'83. 52Ip. in 2 vols. (chron. of 'premieres, personalities and events in the theatre') 57 LORANG, JEANNE . 'Cirque, champ de foire, cabaret, au de Wedekind aPiscatoret aBrecht.' In [AI] 19-47 58 McGraw-Hill encyclopedia ofworld drama: an imemariol/aJ reference work. 2nd ed. NY: McGraw-Hill,'84. 5 vols. (chief ed., Stanley Hochman) 59 MARCUS, SOLOMON, ED. 'Special issue: the fonnal study of drama II.' Poetics 13 ('84) 1- 169 (part I: Dec. '77) 60 MARK, JAMES. 'What is happening to tragedy today?' J ofEuropean Studies 14 ('84) 77-95 (sections on PirandeUo, Brecht, Sart,e, & Beckett) 61 MARRANCA, BONNIE. Theatrewritings. NY: Perfonning Arts 10urnal Publs. ,'84· 202p.: repro & new essays 228 A: General 62 MAZZOCCHI DOGUO, MARIANGELA. 'II teatro simbolista europeo.' In [A86] 3-26 63 Modem Language Assn. 1982 MLA international bibliography of books and articles on the modern languages and literatures. NY: MLA,'83. 6 vols. (V. I: Eng.-Iang. Hts.; V .2: other lits.; VA: general lit.; v.6: index) 64 NADIN, MIHAl. 'Functioning of words: procedural knowledge of drama.' Poetics 13 ('84) '7-46 (analogy to computer programming) 65 PEACOCK, D. KEJTH. 'The play-text, theatrical dynamics and the status interaction .' TRI9 ('84) 39- 49 66 PETERSON, RICHARD. The character catalogue: who's who in one hundredfifty modern plays. NY: Drama Book Publishers,'84. 91P. 67 Het politieke theater heelt je hart nodig: her theater tussen emo/lanele werking en polirieke werkeUjkheid. Ed. Dina van Berlaer-HeUemans et al. Antwerp: Soethoudt,'82. 344p. 68 POPOVICI, VASILE. ']s the stage-audience relationship a fonn of dialogue?' Poetics 13 ('84) "1-17 69 QUADRI, FRANCO. /l teatro degU ann; Set/anta. Turin: Einaudi,'82 - (vol. I: Tradizione e rjeerea: Stein, Chereau, Roneon;, Mnouehkine, Gruber, Bene) 70 'Reconstruction.' TDR 28 iii ('84) 1- 97: special issue on reconstructing a variety of performances 71 ROOSE-EVANS, JAMES . Experimentaltheatrejrom Stanislavsky to Peter Brook. 3rd ed. Lon: Routledge & K. Paul,'84. I76p. 72 ROVENJA-FRUMU§A NI, DANIELA. 'Linear and tabular in a semiotic reading of the dramatic communication.' Poetics 13 ('84) 71-81 73 SALVAT, RICARD. Ellealro, como lexlo, como espectaculo. Barcelona: Montesinos ,'83· 152P. 74 SCHECHTER, JOEL. 'Beyond Brecht: new authors, new audience.' In [H66] 43-53 (effects on Bond, Brenton, Boal, Fo, Gatti, & Handke) 75 SCHOELL, KONRAD, ED. Avantgardetheater und Volkstheater: Studien zu Drama und Theater des 20. lahrhunderts in der Romania. Frankfurt: Lang,'82. 209P. 76 Semiologie et theatre. Bron: Univ. Lyon II, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches TM§trales et Cinematographiques,'80. 360P. 77 SINKO, GRZEGORZ. 'La crise du langage dans Ie theatre contemporain: illusion ou realite?' In [A76] 259-86 78 SOMORA, JURAJ . 'Cas ako konstitutfvny faktor v dnune: pozmimky k niektorym problemom tasu v drame. ' SID 32 ('84) 62- 77 79 STEIN , RITA, & FRJEDHELM RICKERT, EOS. Major modern dramntists. I:American. British, Irish, German, Austrian, and Swiss dramatists. NY: Ungar,'84. 570P. (excerpts from revs. & essays on 35 playwrights) 80 STYAN , J.L. 'Psychology in the study of drama: the negative and the positive.' College Lit to (,83) 251-67 81 TEODORESCU-BRt'NZEU, PIA.

