In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

56 MODERN DRAMA May Fuller, Edmund, George Bernard Shaw, Critic of Western Morale, N.Y., Scribner's, 1950 Irvine, William, The Universe of G.B.s., N.Y., McGraw-Hill, 1949 Kronenberger, The Republic of Letters, 167-77 Mayne, Fred, "Consonance and Consequence," English Studies in Africa, II (1959), 59-72 ---, "Types and Contrasts in Shaw," English Studies in Africa, VII (1964), 18794 Meisel, Martin, Shaw and the Nineteenth-Century Theater, Princeton, Princeton Univ. Press, 1963 Nicoll, Allardyce, British Drama, 5th ed. (N.Y., Barnes & Noble, 1963), 280-7 ---, A History of Late Nineteenth Century Drama, I850-I900 (Cambridge, Eng., Cambridge Univ. Press, 1946), I, 193-204 O'Casey, Sean, The Green Crow (N.Y., Braziller, 1956), 197-211 O'Donnell, Norbert F., "Ibsen and Shaw: The Tragic and the Tragi-Comic," Theater Annual, XV (1957-58), 15-27 . Park, Bruce R., "A Mote in the Critic's Eye: Bernard Shaw and Comedy," Texas Studies in English, XXXVII (1958), 195-210 Pettet, Edwin B., "Shaw's Socialist Life Force," Educational Theatre Journal, III (195 1), 109-14 Reynolds, Ernest, Modern English Drama: A Survey of the Theatre from I900, 2nd ed. (Norman, Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1951), 123-32 Roppen, Georg, Evolution and Poetic Belief (Oslo, Oslo Univ. Press, 1956), 352-402 Routh, H. V., English Literature and Ideas in the Twentieth Century (N.Y., Longmans, Green, 1950), 32-8 Scott, Charles, "Genus, Superman; Species, Multiform," Educational Theatre Journal , XII (1960), 289-94 Scott-James, R. A., Fifty Years of English Literature, I900-I950, 2nd ed. (London; Longmans, 1956), 14-22 Sharpe, Robert B., Irony in the Drama (Chapel Hill, Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1959), 164-76 Styan, Elements of Drama, 99-103 Thompson, Alan R., The Dry Mock: A Study of Irony in Drama (Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1948), 103-27 Watson, Barbara B., A Shavian Guide to the Intelligent Woman, London. Chatto & Windus, 1964 West, Alick. George Bernard Shaw: "A Good Man Fallen Among Fabians," N.Y., International Publishers, 1950 CHARLES A. CARPENTER NOTE The topic for the Modern Drama Conference of the Mid-west Modern Language Association, October 13-16, 1969, will be Continental Drama Since World War II. Anyone interested in reading a paper should contact Professor O. G. Brockett, Department of Speech and Theatre, Indiana University, BloOlnington, Indiana 47401. ...

