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MODERN DRAMA VOLUME 2 MAY, 1959 NUMBER 1 Foreword Modern Drama has two announcements to make: Jacques Scherer, Professeur d'Histoire et Technique du Theatre Francais ala Sorbonne, will be our foreign editor. M. Scherer will review the Paris season annually, see to it that important French work in modern drama is reviewed, and encourage contributions from abroad. Modern Drama is fortunate to have ~,1. Scherer's advice. The September, 1959, number of Modern Drama will be devoted exclusively to Shaw. The following is only a partial listing of the contributors . Bertolt Brecht _______________________ Ovation for Shaw William Irvine _________________________ Shaw and America Walter N. King ________________ The Rhetoric of Candida Frederick P.W. McDowell ___________________________ "The Eternal Against the Expedient": Structure and Theme in The Apple Cart Arthur H. Nethercot _____..........................._ ......_ Bernard Shaw, Ladies and Gentlemen Marvin CarIson ..._ ......._ ......_ ......._ ..._ ...,........_ ..._ A Decade of Shaw Bibliography (1945-1955) Jack Kalmar ....__................._....._ Shaw's Art Criticism ...

