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Contributors CHARLES A. CARPENTER, Associate Professor of English at SUNY - Binghamton, has contributed the Annual Bibliography to Modern Drama since 1974. He has published a book on Shaw. a Goldentree Bibliography of Modern BritishDrama. and many articles. His present project is an international bibliography of modern drama studies, 19661980 . MARTIN ESSUN. Professor of Drama at Stanford University. has been producer and scriptwriter in the European Services of the BBC (1941 - 1955), and head of Radio Drama for the BBC (beginning (963). His publications include: Brecht - A Choice oj Evils (1951); The Theatre of the Absurd (1962); Brie/Chronicles: Essays on Modern Theatre (1970); Pinter: A Study oJHis Plays (1973); and An Anatomy oJDrama (1976). He has also edited several volumes, and, with his wife, translated a number of current Gennan plays. GOTTFRIED FlSCHBORN, Theatre-Dramaturge since 1961 at the "Hans Otto" Theatre Institute in Leipzig, has also served as Prorector and is currently the Director of the Department of Theatre Science. He has published many studies in his area ofspecialization , theatre and drama of the twentieth century - in particular, theory of drama and theatre history of the Gennan Democratic Republic (GDR). He has produced some ofhis own dramatic works for stage and radio. Currently, he is secretary ofthe National Centre GDR of the International Federation for Theatre Research. GERHARD FISCHER is Lecturer in German Studies at the University of New South Wales. He has published articles on Adamov, Brecht, Heiner Muller, and the history and literature of the Paris Corrunune; and he has completed a study about The Paris Commune on the Stage: ValleS. Grieg. Brecht. Adamov. Presently, he is working on "emancipatory children's theatre" and translating plays of Berlin's GRIPS-Theatre. He has directed several workshop perfonnances of contemporary Gennan dramas for a theatre company in Sydney. THEO G1RSHAUSEN is Assistant Professorat the Institute forTheatre, Film and Television of the University ofCologne, where he had studied and written his dissertation: "Heiner 510 Contributors Muller and Didactic Theatre in the Gennan Democratic Republic: Theatre Concept and Plays of the 1950'S." He is a free-lance theatre critic and lecturer with the West Gennan Radio (Westdeutscher Rundfunk), Cologne. ROBERT F. GROSS, JR. is currently a Visiting Lecturer in the Department of Dramatic Arts at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, after having taught Comparative Literature and Dramatic Arts in the evening division of the University ofNorth Carolina. He also acts as dramaturge for the Playmakers Repertory Company, and is preparing a new English version of Ibsen's Ghosts for production by the Playmakers this season. He has published articles in Theatre Studies. MICHAEL HAYS, who teaches at Columbia University in the Department of English and Comparative Literature, is currently preparing a book on the formal structures of the modem drama. His recent publications include essays on semiotics and theatre history. RA1NER NAGELE, Professor of Gennan at The Johns Hopkins University, has written articles on Goethe, H6lderlin, Kafka, H. Mann, Hofmannsthal , M. Walser, P. Handke, Boll, S. Freud, J. Lacan, J. Habennas, P. Weiss, and on general topics related to modem literature. His work includes several book-length publications: Literarur und Uropie. Versuche Zli Holderlin (1978); Peter Handke (1978); and Heinrich Boll. Ein!iihrung in das Werk und die Forschung (1977). JUNE SCHLUETER, Assistant Professor of English at Lafayette College, is the author of Metafictional Characters in Modern Drama (1979) and a forthcoming critical study of Peter Handke. With her husband, Paul Schlueter, she has edited The English Novel: Twentieth Century Criticism, Volume /I (1981). In 1978- 79, she held a Fulbright lectureship in Kassel, West Gennany. URSULA SCHREGEL is Director of the Department of Educational Science and Humanities at the Institute for Continuing Education (Volkshochschule) and Instructor at the Institute for Theatre, Film and Television of the University ofCologne, where she wrote her Ph.D. thesis oil "New Gennan Plays in Repenory." She worked as production assistant in the Division for Television Drama of the West German Broadcasting Corporation, and was dramaturge for Peter Zadek. She is presently also active as a journalist for radio and magazines. NORBERT SERVOS wrote his Ph.D. thesis at the University of Cologne on "Emancipatory Dance Theatre as Exemplified by Ihe...

