In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Modern Drama Studies: An Annual Bibliography CHARLES A. CARPENTER THE PRESENT ANNUAL BIBLIOGRAPHY follows the basic principles and )imita· lions described in the first installment of March 1974. The main objective is to record current scholarship. criticism, and commentary that may prove valuable to students of modern dramatic literature. The bibliography embraces all the expected areas and topics of modern world drama, including playwrights who lived past 1900 (plus BUchner and Bccque) and influential men and women of the theatre other than performers. This year's list covers 1977 and further 1976 items, plus a number of missed 1975 items. The bibliography is divided into eleven parts: A. General (including reference works) B. American C. British (including Irish) D. Commonwealth (other than Asian - i.e.. Canadian. African. and Australasian) E. Spanish (including Portuguese and Latin American) F. French G. Italian t7t H. Germanic (including Austrian, Swiss, and Dutch) 1. Scandinavian K. Eastern European (Russian, Polish, Czech. Hungarian. and Balkan) L. Asian Section A is restricted to material that would not fit in the better-defined categories. Once again I am indebted to Professor J. Norman Wilkinson of Maine for submitting several Chinese drama/ theatre titles. Abbreviations used in the checklist, besides those for the journals listed below, include the first three leuers of months and seasons (Jan, Sum, etc.), Lon and NY and Bos for the cities, Amer and Eng and Lit and Lang and Bibl and Assn for the obvious, and UP to indicate a university press. (In other connections, "University" is shOflened to Univ and "Press" to Pr.) Further abbreviations- most of them self-evident- are Bul for Bulletin, J for Journal, Mag for Magazine, Q for Quaflerly, Rev for Review, and SI for Studies. JOURNAL ABBREVIATIONS AION- GR Germanic Review SGA Annali is/ituto Orientale, GSlav Germano-Slavica Napoli, IBLA institut Belles-Lellres Sezione Germanica: Arabes Revue Anglistica JSSTC Journal of Spanish Studies: BALF Black American Literature Twentieth Century Forum (formerly Negro . .. ) LALR Latin American Literary CB Current Biography Review CD Comparative Drama LATR LAtin American Theatre CHA Cuadernos Review Hispanoamericanos LuK Literatur und Kritik ChL Chinese Literature MAL Modern Austrian Literature CL Ceska Literatura MD Modern Drama CLAJ C.L.A. Journal MLiI Miesifcznik Literacki CIS Claudel Studies MSpr Moderna Sprak CTR Canadian Theatre Review NRF Nouvelle Revue Frant;aise ESC English Studies in Canada NRs Neue Rundschau ETJ Educational Theatre Obi Obliques Journal PAJ Performing Arts Journal Expl Explicator PFr Presence Francophone FMLS Forum for Modern RE Revue d'Esthi!lique Language Studies REH Revista de Es/udios FR French Review Hispanicos GLR Garcia Lorca Review RGer Recherches Germaniques MODERN DRAMA STUDIES 173 RHT Revue d'Hts/oire du SHR Southern Humanities Theatre Review RIB Revisla Inleramericana de SOR Sean O'Casey Review Bibliografia TCL Twentieth Century RITL Revisla de iSlorfe s,i Teoria Uterature Literara TDR The Drama Review RLV Revue des Langues ThQ Theatre Quarterly Vivantes TLL Travaux de Linguislique el RO Revisla de Occidente de Liflerature RomN Romance Noles TRI Theatre Research RPac Revue du Pacifique: Etudes Infernalional de Litterature Franc;aise TuK Text + Krilik Saggi Saggi e Ricerche di WB Weimorer Beitrage Letterarura Francese ZDP Zeitschrifi fur Deutsche Scan Scandinavica Philologie ShR Shaw Review ZS Zeilschrift fur Slawislik A. GENERAL I "Bibliographie." RHT. 28. no. 4 (,76). 313-531 2 Boal, Augusto. Theater of the Oppressed. NY: Urizen Books, '77. (tr. of Teafro del oprimido) 3 Brashear, William R. The Gorgon's Head: A Study in Tragedy and Despair. Athens: Georgia UP, '77. l64p. 4 Brockett, Oscar G. History of the Theatre, 3rd ed. Bos: Allyn & Bacon, '77. 5 Carpenter, Charles A. "Modern Drama Studies: An Annual Bibliography [for 1974-76)." MD, 20 (June '77), 169-213 6 Cascetta, Annamaria. "Per una drammaturgia della c05cienza utopica." Vila e Pensiero, 59 (July-Aug '76), 29-43 (see also Odoardo Bertani. "Teatro e utopia," 90-95) 7 . "La pratica teatrale fra utopia e riforma: Ras5egna di 5tagione ." Vita e Pensiero, 58 (Sep-Oct '75), 99-109 8 Collins, Ben L. "The Eiron-Alazon Problem." North Dakota Q, 44 (Sum '76), 34-49 (refers to a few modern plays) 9 Curti, Lidia. "Teatro spazio zero." AION- SGA, 19, no. 2 (,76), 7-54 (Artaud and...

