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MODERN DRAMA A Selective Bibliography of Works Published in English in 1965 GENERALIZATIONS ABOUT THE MAJOR EMPHASES in drama publications during 1965 are singularly tentative. The Yeats centenary yielded an impressive harvest of articles-marked, however, by a predictably heavy emphasis on the non-dramatic works. Shaw continues to dominate such bibliographies as this: the appearance of the first volume of Shaw letters and the reprinting (and updating) of the Complete Plays and Prefaces combine to make 1965 an important year in Shavian research. Among the periodicals, the British Theatre World disappeared as a separate publication. Beginning with the January, 1966, issue, it became part of Plays and Players. World Theatre has been given a new format but, mysteriously, has not appeared since the July-August issue. Tulane Drama Review has followed its new policy with special issues on practical concerns in the contemporary theater ("Dollars and Drama" and "Happenings," among others). Year of publication is indicated only for the few articles and books omitted from the Modern Drama bibliography for 1963-64. The following abbreviations have been used for publications appearing most often in the entries: AGR CE CLS DC DS ETJ FR MD PbP QTS Sh R SR SS TDR WHR WT YFS American-German Review College English Comparative Literature Studies Drama Critique Drama Survey Educa,tional Theatre Journal French Review Modern Drama Plays and Players and Theatre World Quarterly Journal of Speech Shaw Review Saturday Review Scandinavian Studies Tulane Drama Review Western Humanities Review World Thea,tre Yale French Studies 210 1966 SELECTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY 211 GENERAL Alquie, Ferdinand, The PhilosoPhy of Surrealism, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Arden, John, et al., "Theatre People Reply to our Inquiry [on the 'New Realism ']," WT, XIV, i, 45-53' [Replies to questionnaires by Arden, Pedro Asquini, Tankred Dorst, Ann Jellicoe, Mikhail Tsarev; see continuation under Bettencourt, below.] Arnott, Peter D., Plays Without People: Puppetry and Serious Drama, Bloomington : Indiana U. P. Baxter, Kay M., Contemporary Theater and the Christian Faith, Nashville: Abingdon Press. Behrman, S. N., The Suspended Drawing Room, New York: Stein Be Day. [Essays and New Yorker "Profiles" on Sherwood, Shaw, Molnar, among others.] Berthoff, Warner, The Ferment of Realism, New York: Free Press. Bettencourt, Joao, et aL, "Theatre People Reply to Our Inquiry [on the 'New Realism']," WT, XIV, ii, 128-154. [See Arden entry above; 26 answers from writers and producers in world theater.] Bogard, Travis, and William 1. Oliver, Modern Drama: Essays in Criticism, New York: Oxford U. P. Carlson, Marvin, "Modern Drama: A Selected Bibliography of Bibliographies," MD. VIII, i, 112-118. Chiari, J., Landmarks of Contemporary Drama, London: Herbert Jenkins. Clark, Barrett H. (editor), European Theories of the Drama, with a Supplement on the American Drama (newly revised by Henry Popkin), New York: Crown. Corrigan, Robert W. (editor), Tragedy: Vision and Form, San Francisco: Chandler. Dort, Bernard, "A Comprehensive Realism," WT, XIV, ii, 108-118. Dupee, F. W., The King of the Cats, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. [Includes some essays on drama.] Gallagher, Kent G., "Emotion in Tragedy and Melodrama," ETJ, XVII, iii, 215-219. Gassner, John, Directions in Modern Theatre and Drama, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Grossvogel, David I., The Blasphemers: The Theater of Brecht, Ionesco, Beckett, Genet, Ithaca: Cornell U. P. [Reprint, with new title] Guthrie, Tyrone, In Various Directions: A View of the Theatre, New York: Macmillan . Hainaux, Rene, "Foreword," WT, XIV, i, 4-8. [Editor'S explanation of current inquiry on resurgence of realism] Hornby, Richard (compiler), "TDR Books and Theatre: A Bibliography [of books published between February 1, 1964, and January 31, 1965]," TDR, IX, iv, 179-207. Hurley, Paul J., "France and America: Versions of the Absurd," CE, XXVI, viii, 634-640 • Hutchinson, G. E., The Ecological Theater and the Evolutionary Play, New Haven : Yale U. P. Ireland, Norma Olin, Index to Full Length Plays, I944-I964, Boston: F. W. Faxon Co. Jarrett-Kerr, Martin, C.R., "The Conditions of Tragedy," CLS, II, iv, 363-374. Kelly, Justin, S.]., "Message or Vision? An Essay in Comparative Criticism," DC. VIII, ii, 46-,56. [Application of critical method to a recent British prizewinning play, Brian Gear's The Sky Is Green] Kernan, Alvin B...

