In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

The Contributors WILLIAM I. OLIVER: Professor Oliver is playwright, teacher (Dramatic Art, University of California, Berkeley), director, and author of various articles that have appeared in scholarly journals. EVA K. TOUSTER: A member of the English Department at Vanderbilt University. Professor Touster has published articles in JEGP, in Anglia, and in Essays in Honor of Walter Clyde Curry. CHARLES H. LEIGHTON: Assistant Professor of Spanish at the University of New Hampshire, Professor Leighton has contributed articles to the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Hispania, the Modern Language Journal, and other scholarly journals. HELEN L. LUYBEN: Miss Luyben is a member of the English Department at the University of Pennsylvania. Her article, "Bridie's Last Play," appeared in the February. 1963, issue of Modern Drama. Her book on Bridie will be published by the University of Pennsylvania Press. ARVIN R. WELLS: A former Fulbright Lecturer in Germany. Professor Wells is a member of the English Department at Ohio University. He is the author of Jesting Moses: A Study in Cabellian Comedy and co-author of Insight I: Analyses of American Literature. LEONARD MOSS: Professor Moss is a member of the English Department at Harpur College. New York. His essay on Miller is taken from a study of the playwright's work to be published by Twayne in the U. S. Authors Series. MICHAEL J. MENDELSOHN: Associate Professor of English, United States Air Force Academy, Captain Mendelsohn has published articles in Theatre Arts, Drama Survey, The Shaw Review, and in previous issues of Modern Drama. GARY J. SCRIMGEOUR: A New Zealander, Mr. Scrimgeour is completing graduate study at Princeton University. He has written articles on Defoe, Shakespeare , and the Elizabethan murder plays. EMIL ROY: A member of the English Department at the University of Southern California, Professor Roy is co-editor of Studies in Drama, Harper Be Row, 1963 and 1964. FRANK DAUSTER: Professor Dauster, Romance Languages Department, Rutgers University, is the author of BTeva historia de la poesia mexicana and Ensayos sobre poesia mexicana. ...

