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Lifshin 25 Lyn Lifshin She Said ??1 Never Forget One Evening I was walking thru an alley saw a woman come toward me leading someone with a huge swollen head that looked like a cauliflower but the face wasn't recognizable, was horrible. When they saw me coming, they went and stood in shadows, the person turned its head to the wall until I went by. There are lots of them who don't go out except after dark you rarely see anybody badly scarred you don't see them hibakusah don't want to be seen they feel like other victims, guilty american educators said "we can't start teaching young children about such horrors it's too much for junior and high school students to see these horrible pictures of Hiroshima and Naagasaki." One Japanese teacher said "well then I guess your children will have to learn about the bomb the same way our children did." survivors hiding in back rooms with no mirrors the high suicide rate rising around August 6 and when there's a nuclear test or reactor 26 the minnesota review accident. Somewhere outside Naagasaki a woman whose skin was sucked from her as she clutched a china doll like leaves from the ginga tree who feels even the haziest sun burn her shakes in a room with drawn shades terrified if no one listens now soon no one who remembers will still be living Call for Papers 1987 Marxist Scholars Conference November 12-15, 1987 University of California, Berkeley —The 1987 Marxist Scholars Conference will coincide with the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution. Submissions which treat the Constitution from the viewpoint of workers, nationally or racially oppressed peoples, or women are particularly encouraged . —Proposals are invited in any area of academic study or social activism; sessions wiU be organized accordingly. DeadUne: May 30, 1987. Direct inquiries to: Prof. Kurzweil, Elee. Engin. Dept., San Jose St. U, San Jose, CA 95192. Send one copy of paper/proposal to Kurzweil and one to Prof. Targ, Pol. Sci. Dept... Purdue U, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Marxist Educational Press c/o Anthropology Dept., U of MN, 215 Ford Hall, 224 Church St S.E., MpIs, MN 55455 ...

