
Inconvenient truths about Greece’s current economic predicament are not often heard in today’s Greece, especially if they conflict with the picture presented by the Greek government. When they are heard, they are usually put down to adverse propaganda or positions of vested interests from abroad. This lack of meaningful dialogue is the product of an environment of disrespect for objective reporting, a surrender to cultural stereotyping, and a sense of hopelessness among the population, all of which are made more destructive by the overwhelming burden of debt. The roots of Greece’s current ills lie also in the political abuses of its past, for which many of the present leaders have a share of responsibility. This essay presents a detailed picture of today’s Greece with special emphasis on sociopolitical issues that are likely to lead to one of three possible outcomes. A clear consideration of these can enable Greece to choose its destiny — instead of having it being thrust upon the country — and in the process succeed in achieving real reform.

