In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Recent Publications, 2006–7

In addition to book reviews, Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft intends to publish annual listings of recently published books and articles falling within our areas of focus. The following list covers roughly the last two years, up to summer 2007. It does not claim to be comprehensive, but will hopefully prove a useful resource for our readers.

Overviews, Surveys, and Theoretical Works

Bailey, Michael D. Magic and Superstition in Europe: A Concise History from Antiquity to the Presentz. Lanham, Md., 2007.
Barry, Jonathan, and Owen Davies, eds. Witchcraft Historiography. New York, 2007.
Chase, Oscar. Law, Culture, and Ritual: Disputing Systems in Cross-Cultural Context. New York, 2005.
Davies, Owen. The Haunted: A Social History of Ghosts. New York, 2007.
Ebeling, Florian. The Secret History of Hermes Trismegistus: Hermeticism from Ancient to Modern Times. Trans. David Lorton. Ithaca, N.Y., 2007.
Frankfurter, David. Evil Incarnate: Rumors of Demonic Conspiracy and Satanic Abuse in History. Princeton, N.J., 2006.
Golden, Richard, ed. Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Western Tradition. 4 vols. Santa Barbara, Calif., 2006.
Hanegraaff, Wouter J. Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism. 2 vols. Leiden, 2006.
Kelly, Henry Ansgar. Satan: A Biography. Cambridge, 2006.
Keyworth, David. Troublesome Corpses: Vampires and Revenants from Antiquity to the Present. Southend-on-Sea, U.K., 2007.
Lehrich, Christopher I. The Occult Mind: Magic in Theory and Practice. Ithaca, N.Y., 2007.
Rapley, Robert. Witch Hunts: From Salem to Guantanamo Bay. Montreal, 2007.
Russell, Jeffrey Burton, and Alexander Brooks. A New History of Witchcraft: Sorcerers, Heretics, and Pagans. Rev. ed. New York, 2007.
Sørensen, Jesper. A Cognitive Theory of Magic. Lanham, Md., 2007. [End Page 226]
Stuckrad, Kocku von. Western Esotericism: A Brief History of Secret Knowledge. Trans. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke. London, 2006.
Wygant, Amy, ed. The Meanings of Magic: From the Bible to Buffalo Bill. New York and Oxford, 2006.

Ancient and Classical West

Carastro, Marcello. La cité des mages: Penser la magie en Grèce ancienne. Grenoble, 2006.
Griffiths, Emma. Medea. London and New York, 2006.
Luck, George, ed. Arcana Mundi: Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds, a Collection of Ancient Texts. 2nd ed. Baltimore, Md., 2006.

Late Antiquity and Medieval Europe

Bailey, Michael D. “The Disenchantment of Magic: Spells, Charms, and Superstition in Early European Witchcraft Literature.” American Historical Review 111 (2006): 383–404.
Boudet, Jean-Patrice. Entre science et nigromance: Astrologie, divination et magie dans l’Occident médiévale (XIIe–XVe siècle). Paris, 2007.
Boudet, Jean-Patrice, with Julien Véronèse. “Le secret dans la magie rituelle médiévale.” Micrologus 14 (2006): 101–50.
Boureau, Alain. Satan the Heretic: The Birth of Demonology in the Medieval West. Trans. Teresa Lavender Fagan. Chicago, 2006.
Brakke, David. Demons and the Making of the Monk: Spiritual Combat in Early Christianity. Cambridge, Mass., 2006.
Burnett, Charles, and W. F. Ryan, eds. Magic and the Classical Tradition. London and Turin, 2006.
Delaurenti, Beatrice. Virtus verborum—La puissancie des mots: Débats doctrinaux sur le pouvoir des incantations. Paris, 2007.
Hall, A. T. P. Elves in Anglo-Saxon England: Matters of Belief, Health, Gender and Identity. Woodbridge, U.K., 2007.
Kramer (Institoris) Heinrich. Malleus maleficarum. Ed. and trans. Christopher Mackay. 2 vols. Cambridge, 2007.
Kramer (Institoris) Heinrich. Malleus maleficarum. Trans. P. G. Maxwell-Stuart. Manchester, 2007.
Magdalino, Paul, and Maria V. Mavroudi, eds. The Occult Sciences in Byzantium. Geneva, 2006.
Mercier, Franck. La vauderie d’Arras: Une chasse aux sorcières à l’automne du Moyen-Age. Rennes, 2006.
Rider, Catherine. Magic and Impotence in the Middle Ages. Oxford, 2006. [End Page 227]
Skemer, Don C. Binding Words: Textual Amulets in the Middle Ages. University Park, Pa., 2006.
Trzcionka, Silke. Magic and the Supernatural in Fourth-Century Syria. London and New York, 2007.

Early Modern Europe

Bath, Jo, and John Newton. “ ‘Sensible Proof of Spirits’: Ghost Belief during the Later Seventeenth Century.” Folklore 117 (2006): 1–14.
Beaurepaire, Paul-André. “The Universal Republic of the Freemasons and the Culture of Mobility in the Enlightenment.” French Historical Studies 29 (2006): 379–406.
Best, Victoria. “Life Beyond Death: Reading for the Demonic in the Texts of Modiano and Japrisot.” French Studies: A Quarterly Review 60 (2006): 218–31.

