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  • Notes on the Contributors

Andy Baker is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He conducts research on Latin America, mass political behavior, and international political economy. His articles have appeared in the American Journal of Political Science, World Politics, Electoral Studies, and other journals. Baker is the author of The Market and the Masses in Latin America: Policy Reform and Consumption in Liberalizing Economies (2009), about the impact of consumer interests on the nature of citizens’ attitudes toward free-market policies in eighteen Latin American nations.

Juan Ariel Bogliaccini is a PhD candidate in political science with a concentration in comparative politics and methods at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He studies issues of welfare, income distribution, and productive systems with a comparative lens and a focus on Latin America and Southern Europe.

Simone Bohn is an associate professor of political science at York University, Toronto, Canada. Her main areas of research are public opinion in Latin America, political parties in South America, and gender and politics in Brazil.

Jürgen Buchenau is professor and chair of the History Department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. His research interests include the Mexican Revolution and the study of Mexican history in its global context. He received his PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His books include In the Shadow of the Giant: The Making of Mexico’s Central America Policy, 1876–1930 (1996), Tools of Progress: A German Merchant Family in Mexico City, 1865–Present (2004), Plutarco Elías Calles and the Mexican Revolution (2006), Mexican Mosaic: A Brief History of Mexico (2008), and The Last Caudillo: Álvaro Obregón and the Mexican Revolution (2011). He has also edited three other books.

David Cupery is a graduate student in the Department of Political Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He conducts research on Latin America, public opinion, and political economy in the developing world. He is writing a dissertation that examines the determinants and impact of mass perceptions of great powers.

Jean Daudelin is associate professor at Carleton University’s Norman Paterson School of International Affairs. His current research focuses on Brazilian foreign policy and drug violence in the Americas. Among his recent publications are the following: “Brasil y la desintegración de las Américas” (2012); “A New Drug Warrior? Canada’s Security Policy towards Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean” (2012); “Two Hubs, Many Spokes, No Frame: The Shape of Post-American Americas” (2012); with Sean Burges, “Moving In, Carving Out, Proliferating: The Many Faces of Brazil’s Multilateralism since 1989” (2011); and “Le Brésil comme puissance: Portée et paradoxes” (2010).

José Del Tronco holds a PhD in social and political science from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He is a full-time professor at Facultad Latinoamericana [End Page 231] de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) México, where he has been director of the Master’s Program in Comparative Public Policy. Currently, he is coordinating a research program on public policy and democracy in Latin America.

Joel Horowitz is a professor of history at St. Bonaventure University. He is a historian of modern Argentina and is currently working on a monograph on civic associations in Buenos Aires. He is the author of Argentine Unions, the State and the Rise of Perón, 1930–1945 (1990) and Argentina’s Radical Party and Popular Mobilization, 1916–1930 (2008). He has also published extensively on labor, politics, and historiography.

Juliana Martínez Franzoni is associate professor at the University of Costa Rica, where she is affiliated with the Institute of Social Research and the Center of Political Studies and Research. Her work focuses on social policy formation and socioeconomic and gender inequality in Latin America. With support from the British Academy, her joint investigation with Diego Sánchez-Ancochea addresses the formation of universal social policies in the periphery.

Carmen Martínez novo is associate professor of anthropology and director of the Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies Program at the University of Kentucky. She is the author of Who Defines Indigenous? (2006) and editor of Repensando...

