In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Latin American Research ReviewVolume 48 Number 3 2013

whiter shades of pale: “coloring in” machado de assis and race in contemporary brazil

Alex Flynn, Elena Calvo-González, and Marcelo Mendes de Souza

la sanción de la capacidad civil plena de la mujer en los países del cono sur, 1945–1990: una propuesta de análisis del fenómeno legal

Verónica Giordano

asentamientos and cantegriles: new poverty and the moral dangers of proximity in uruguayan squatter settlements

Julienne Corboz

the contours of party patronage in argentina

Gerardo Scherlis

the impact of criminal violence on regime legitimacy in latin america

Miguel Carreras

measuring the individual-level determinants of social insurance preferences: survey evidence from the 2008 argentine pension nationalization

Matthew Carnes and Isabela Mares

mestizaje and public opinion in latin america

Edward Telles and Denia Garcia

Research Reports and Notes

pillage in the archives: the whereabouts of guatemalan documentary treasures

Wendy Kramer, W. George Lovell, and Christopher H. Lutz

la función ideológica de la historiografía cubana en la década del sesenta del siglo xx

Yaíma Martínez Alemán [End Page 235]


