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PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent works (except offprints of single articles) that appear to bear on the scientific study of language. The receipt of individual books cannot be separately acknowledged, and no book can be returned to the publisher. Note especially that, by accepting a book, the Editor implies no promise that it will be reviewed in this journal. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and copies are sent to the publishers of the works reviewed. AbduUa, Adnan K. Catharsis in Uterature. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1985. Pp. 151. $27.50. Acta lingüistica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 32 (1982). Agazade, N. G., et al. (eds.) Metodika va dücüik, 3-ja byraxylyä. Metodika i Ungvistika, vypusk 3. Baku: Elm, 1984. Pp. 124. Rb. 0.95. [Articles in Azerbaijani and Russian.] Aguirre, Adalberto, Jr. (ed.) Language in the Chicano speech community. (International journal of the sociology of language, 53.) Amsterdam: Mouton, 1985. Pp. 128. Alatis, James E., and John J. Staczek (eds.) Perspectives on bilingualism and bilingual education. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1985. Pp. ix, 452. $12.95. [Papers reprinted from annual Round Table volumes.] Algonquian and Iroquoian Unguistics 10:1 (1985). AUeton, Viviane. Les auxüiaires de mode en chinois contemporain. (CoUection linguistique pubUée par la Société de Linguistique de Paris, 74.) Paris: Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1984. Pp. x, 489. Ambrosini, Riccardo. Momenti e problemi di storia deUa lingüistica, I: De Saussure, Jakobson, Chomsky. Pisa: Librería GoUardica, 1985. Pp. iv, 250. Analecta lingüistica 14:2 (1984). Anderson, Stephen R. Phonology in the twentieth century: Theories of rules and theories of representations . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985. Pp. 368. Cloth $40.00, paper $17.50. Andersson, Evert. On verb complementation in written EngUsh. (Lund studies in EngUsh, 71.) Lund: Gleerup, 1985. Pp. 292. Kr. 100.00. Archiv orientální 53:1 (1985). Athabaskan news 5:1 (1985). Bache, Carl. Verbal aspect: A general theory and its appücation to present-day English. (Odense University studies in EngUsh, 8.) Odense, Denmark: Odense University Press, 1985. Pp. vi, 337. Kr. 130.00. Bäckman, Sven, and Göran KjeUmer (eds.) Papers on language and Uterature presented to Alvar EUegârd and Erik Fryman. (Gothenburg studies in English, 60.) Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1985. Pp. vüi, 399. Kr. 150.00. Baldi, PhiUp. An introduction to the Indo-European languages. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983. Pp. xiv, 214. Basb0U, Hans, and Johannes Wagner. Kontrastive Phonologie des Deutschen und Dänischen: Segmentale Wortphonologie und -phonetik. (Linguistische Arbeiten, 160.) Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1985. Pp. 214. DM 74.00. Bassola, Peter. WortsteUung im Ofner Stadtrecht: Ein Beitrag zur frühneuhochdeutschen Rechtssprache in Ungarn. (Bausteine zur Sprachgeschichte des Neuhochdeutschen, 61.) Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1985. Pp. 284. M 38.00. Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. Ausgewählte Werke in deutscher Sprache. Mit einem Vorwort von Ewelina Malachowska. Herausgegeben von Joachim Mugdan. München: Fink, 1984. Pp. xxiv, 278. DM 38.00. Benson, James D., and WUliam S. Greaves (eds.) Systemic perspectives on discourse, vol. 1: 236 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED237 Selected theoretical papers from the 9th International Systemic Workshop [Toronto, 1982.] (Advances in discourse processes, 15.) Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1985. Pp. vii, 389. Institutional $47.95, personal $29.95. Benson, James D., and WilUam S. Greaves (eds.) Systemic perspectives on discourse, vol. 2: Selected applied papers from the 9th International Systemic Workshop. (Advances in discourse processes, 16.) Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1985. Pp. vüi, 299. Institutional $42.50, personal $27.50. Bielmeyer, Roland. Das Marchen vom Prinzen Cobzan: Eine tibetische Erzählung aus Baltistan. Text, Übersetzung, Grammatik und westtibetisch vergleichendes Glossar. (Beiträge zur tibetischen Erzählforschung, 6.) Sankt Augustin: Vereinigung für Geschichtswissenschaft Hochasiens , 1985. Pp. 253. Bierfert, Herbert. Automatische Spracherkenning—von der Theorie zur Praxis: Die Konstruktion eines Spracherkennungssystems als thematischer, methodischer und pragmatischer Prozess. (Sprache und Information, 11.) Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1985. Pp. xüi, 340. DM 116.00. Bigelow, Charles, and Lynn Ruggles (eds.) The computer and the hand in type design: Proceedings ofthe 5th ATypI Working Seminar, Part I. (Visible language, 19: 1 .) Cleveland: Visible Language, 1985. Pp. 168. Blanche-Benveniste, Claire, et al. Pronom et syntaxe...

