In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Del director The results are in. It is my great pleasure to inform readers of Lo corónica that H. Salvador Martinez Alfonso X el Sabio. Una biografía. Madrid: Polifemo, 2003 has been selected by our distinguished panel ofjurors as the winner of die 2005 La corónica International Book Award for scholarship in Medieval Spanish Language, Literature and Cultural Studies. We are especially pleased to inaugurate diis new award by honoring a scholar whose achievements, in this publication and odiers, have contributed so much to our sector of the profession. The entries for diis year's competition came from various countries and filled several large boxes, but the decision of the jury was unanimous and enthusiastic. Jurors praised Salvador Martinez's book as "die best and the most significant" ofthis year's entries, a work which "will be ofdie widest possible interest to Hispano-Medievalists.... Beautifully written, authoritatively and massively annotated, splendidly and extensively illustrated ... diis book will be intensely interesting to all of us, and will remain an indispensable research instrument for present scholars and for future generations of Hispano-Medievalists". The formal announcement of diis Award was made at die 40th Annual International Congress of Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan at the Congress's plenary session on Friday, May 6, 2005. La corónica thanks Prof. Paul Szarmach, Director of the Medieval Institute at Western Michigan and host of the International Congress, for allowing us time during plenary assembly to confer this Award. Further celebration took place at the banquet for IMANA (Ibero-Medieval Association of North American) that evening. Prof. Martinez was presented with a certificate, an engraved keepsake pewter canister, and an honorarium in tribute to his accomplishment . This honor carries over into 2006. By special arrangement with the Medieval Institute at Western Michigan University and die organizers ofdie International Congress, a special session will be sponsored 2 George D. GreeniaLa corónica 33.2, 2005 by La corónica to promote die research diemes of Salvador Martinez's book on Alfonso X, el Sabio. Prof. Martínez will be present as Respondent of Honor. We extend to Prof. H. Salvador Martinez our warmest congratulations on diis tribute conferred by his peers. We now invite submissions for die 2006 competition for best monograph : please send diree copies ofany tide published in 2004 to George D. Greenia, Editor, La coránica, Dept. of Modern Languages, PO Box 8795, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795. No documentation is necessary other than a cover letter specifying diat die copies are meant for die 2006 La corónica International Book Award. We are also happy to note that an article published in our pages has been honored by colleagues in the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies. At their most recent conference held in Charleston, South Carolina, March 10-13, 2005 diey announced at their banquet and awards dinner that Richard Kinkade's article "Beatrice 'Contesson' of Savoy (c. 1250-1290): The modier of Juan Manuel" -issued in La corónica 32.3 (Summer, 2004): 163-226- had won the Society's Charles Julian Bishko Prize for the best article on medieval Iberian history published by a Nordi American scholar. We extend our warmest congratulations to Prof. Kinkade. ? ? ? As always, die Editor stands in die particular debt of certain individuals who generously contribute their time and expertise to La corónica. They invest great effort in bringing us timely news, evaluating and critiquing submissions, and offering sound advice on editorial policy. They include most recendy EnricaJ. ArdemagnniIvy A. Corfis Samuel G. ArmisteadAntonio Cortijo Ocaña Vincent BarlettaJean Dangler Josiah BlackmoreRalph Di Franco Michael BlumMarta Ana Diz Kenneth BrownFrank Domínguez Susan ByrneSteve Dworkin Jonadian BurgoyneDenise K. Filios Jim BurkeDavid A. Flory Tony CárdenasRobert Folger Juan Carlos CondeMiguel Garci-Gómez Catherine ConnorPhilip O. Gericke Del director Joseph Gwara Louise Haywood FranciscoJ. Hernández David Hook José Ignacio Hualde Gregor)' S. Hutcheson Gregory Kaplan Mary Jane Kelley Richard Kinkade Steve Kirby John Lipski Benjamin Liu Consuelo López-Morillas Nancy Marino Alberto Montaner Simone Pinet Roxana Recio Peter Schweighofer Harvey Sharrer Thomas Spaccarelli Matthew Tornatore David Townsend Louise Vasvári Carlos Alberto...

