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  • Contributors to This Issue

Mark Gamsa, Senior Lecturer at Tel Aviv University, specializes in modern Chinese history and Sino-Russian contacts. He recently had the opportunity to develop his research interest in Baltic history during a sabbatical year as a visiting professor at the University of Latvia.

Jan T. Gross teaches history at Princeton University. He is the author of numerous books about World War II, including Revolution from Abroad: Soviet Conquest of Poland’s Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia, 1939–1941 (1988) and Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland (2001).

Polly Jones is Associate Professor and Shrecker-Barbour Fellow in Russian at University College, University of Oxford, the author of Myth, Memory, Trauma: Rethinking the Stalinist Past in the Soviet Union (2013), and the editor of The Dilemmas of De-Stalinization (2006) and The Leader Cult in Communist Dictatorships (2004). She is currently working on a book project on biography in the Brezhnev era, focusing in particular on the Plamennye revoliu tsionery (Fiery Revolutionaries) biographical series.

Anna Shternshis is the Al and Malka Green Associate Professor in Yiddish Studies, cross-appointed to the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures and the Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies, at the University of Toronto. She is the author of Soviet and Kosher: Jewish Popular Culture in the Soviet Union, 1923–1939 (2006) and is finishing up her new book, tentatively titled Jewish Daily Life in the Soviet Union.

Victoria Smolkin-Rothrock is Assistant Professor of Russian History at Wesleyan University. In 2014–15, she will be a Research Fellow at the Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC. Her recent publications include “The Ticket to the Soviet Soul: Science, Religion, and the Spiritual Crisis of Late Soviet Atheism,” Russian Review 73, 2 (2014): 171–97; and “Problema ‘obyknovennoi’ sovetskoi smerti: Material´noe i [End Page 676] dukhovnoe v ateisticheskoi kosmologii” (The Problem with the “Ordinary” Soviet Death: The Material and the Spiritual in Atheist Cosmology), Gosudarstvo, religiia i tserkov´ v Rossii i za rubezhom, nos. 3–4 (2012): 429–62. Her forthcoming monograph is A Sacred Space Is Never Empty: Scientific Atheism, Socialist Rituals, and the Soviet Way of Life.

Vladimir Solonari is Associate Professor of History at the University of Central Florida and the author of Purifying the Nation: Population Exchange and Ethnic Cleansing in Nazi-Allied Romania (2010). His research focuses on World War II in Southeastern Europe and ethnic cleansing and the Holocaust. He is currently completing his second book-length project on the social history of southern Ukraine under the Romanian occupation during World War II.

Anika Walke, Assistant Professor of History at Washington University in St. Louis, is the author of Pioneers and Partisans: Soviet Jewish Youth Confront the Nazi Genocide (2015), which weaves together oral histories, video testimonies, and memoirs produced in the former Soviet Union to show how the first generation of Soviet Jews born after the foundation of the USSR experienced the Nazi genocide and how they remember it after the dissolution of the USSR in 1991.

Arkadi Zeltser, Director of the Center for Research on the History of Soviet Jews during the Holocaust at the International Institute for Holocaust Research at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, is the author of Evrei sovetskoi provintsii: Vitebsk i mestechki 1917–1941 (The Jews of the Soviet Provinces: Vitebsk and the Shtetls, 1917–1941), which was published in Moscow in 2006. [End Page 677]


