In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Announcements The Journal has recdved the foUowing announcements and calls for papers. Requests for inclusion in future issues should be limited to one hundred words and sent to: Managing Editor, Journal of Women's History , c/o Department of History, BaUantine HaU 742, Indiana University, Bloomington, ΠΕ Γ 47405. Such announcements wül appear in only two issues. Grants available for Irish-American Studies: Grants ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 for scholars of all discipUnes whose work examines the Irish-American experience are available from The Irish American Cultural Institute (IACD, an educational foundation based in St. Paul, Minnesota. For further information call or write the Irish American Cultural Institute, 2115 Summit Avenue, #5026, St. Paul MN 55105, phone (612) 962-6040. Proposals treating the Irish in the Midwest or New York are espedaUy encouraged. The Department of History and the Program in Late Andent and Medieval Studies at the University of Kansas announce a conference on "Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity" to be held in Lawrence, Kansas, March 22-24, 1995. The conference will examine geographical, topical, and methodological aspects of the ways in which Late Antiquity serves as a frontier. Those interested in partidpating or attending, or desiring additional information, should contad Hagith Sivan, Department of History, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, or Ralph W. Mathiesen, (email: n330009@univscvm Call for papers on Dewey from a feminist perspective for a volume, Feminist Perspectives on John Dewey, to be published in the Penn State Press series, Rereading tL· Canon, edited by Nancy Tuana. Since Dewey's writings covered so many areas of investigation, a wide range of essays are encouraged. Critical feminist essays that take a fresh look at Dewey's pluralistic, interdisdpUnary , non-hegemonic, emancipatory approach are encouraged. Deadline for manuscripts is July 31, 1995. Send inquiries, proposals, and papers to Charlene Haddock Seigfried, Purdue University, Department of Philosophy, 1360 Liberal Arts and Education Buüding, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1360, also emaü: Scorpio Press, a new independent pubUsher, seeks proposals for books on individuals, groups, or movements in women's history. We welcome authors who have written dissertations on relevant topics and are willing to adapt their scholarly work for a wider audience. African-American history is a particular area of interest. Write Lynn Page Whittaker, Editor-in-Chief, 1995 Announcements 229 Scorpio Press, 427 Old Town Court, Alexandria, VA 22314, for proposal guidelines. The Annual Conference of the Sodal History Society of the U.K. announces a caU for papers. The conference wiU be held January 4-6, 1996, at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. This conference wül provide an opportunity to discuss and debate key themes and controversies thrown up by recent research into the historical definition and meaning of work, particularly relating to issues of gender, ethnidty, skUl, health, and class. Proposals should be sent by May 1,1995, to Arthur Mdvor, Department of History, University of Strathdyde, McCance Building, 16 Richmond Street, Glasgow, Gl IXQ; telephone 041.638.2250, x2212 or to Elanor Gordon, Department of Economics and Sodal History, University of Glasgow, University Gardens, Glasgow, G12 8QQ; telephone 041.339.8855, x5987. Enquiries about the conference and requests for booking forms should be addressed to: The Administrative Secretary, Sodal History Society, Centre for Social History, Lancaster University, Bailrigg, Lancaster, LAl 4YG; tdephone 01524-592605. A FEMINIST COMPANION TO FRENCH LITERATURE. The editors seek contributors for this encyclopedic volume to be published by Greenwood Press. The work wiU include 600 to 700 entries devoted to the Uterature of France of all periods written by women. Women writers from other francophone cultures will be induded only if they live(d) or work(ed) primarily in France. The entries, which will vary in length from several paragraphs to five pages, will view individual writers, periods, critical theories, themes, genres, organizations, archives, historical events, sodal conditions, and institutions from a feminist perspective. For a list of topics, please write to the general editor, Eva Sartori, 203B Love Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln , NE 68588-0410 (tel: 402-472-6987; email: The Humanities Centre at the University of Victoria presents a conference on...

