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252 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 22:2 APR 1984 definitions (Erkliirungen), which tie neatly distinguishes from propositions (Urteile, 2~, 38). Even modal logic is affected by Bolzano's interest in concepts and their composition . Possibility is not a property of sentences but of concepts (26, line 3o); the sentence "A can be B" in fact is understood as "A cure B is possible" (42). Because of the lack of commutativity of the A cure B form, the modal sentence "A can be B" fails to be convertible (2 t). For friends of the history of logic the volume offers a beautiful gift: Bolzano's statement of his plan to write a new logic, the Wissenschaflslehre. There is a preliminary outline of chapters and sections of this opus magnum, including a reference to the notion of" "objective truth" (later on "truth in itself"). The reader who takes seriously this notion of objective truth in Bolzano may want to test his understanding of it with the passage, to me unclear, on 15~ (between lines 3~ and 35), where Bolzano seems to claim that sentences of the form "If X has the property M, then X has the property N" (X being an lndividuum) are not objective truths. The physical appearance of the text is dreadful; every page boasts an overwhelming number of brackets and auxiliary philological symbols that, commendable or unavoidable as they may be for an edition of an abbreviated manuscript, do not encourage a continuous, relaxed reading. Reading this journal recalls driving on a cobblestone road. The volume contains a useful bibliography and helpful indices of names and topics. IGNACIO ANGELEI.LI University of Texa,~, Air,tin BOOKS RECEIVED Aboulafia, Mitchell. The Self-Winding Circle: A Study of Hegel's System. St. Louis, Mo.: Warren 11. Green, Inc., 1982. Pp. xi + Jo7. $14.75. Allen, Diogenes. Mechamcal Explanatwns and the Ultimate Orzg~nof the Umverse according to Leibmz. Studm Leibnttiana, Sonderheft 2. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 198,, ~. Pp. 43. Anton, John P. and Anthony Preus, eds. Essays zn Ancient Greek Philosophy, Vol. 2. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1983. Pp. x + 541. Aquinas, St. Thomas. Quodlibetal Questions t and 2. Translated with an introduction and notes by Sandra Edwards. Mediaeval Sources in Translation, 27. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, ~983. Pp. vi + 128. Paper, $7.5o. Ari~totle~ Physics. Books 3 and 4. Translated with notes by Edward Hussey. Clarendon Aristotle Series. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983. Pp. v + 226. Cloth $26.00. Paper, St ~.95. Aschenbrenner, Karl. A Companwn to Kant's "CrztiqT~eof Pure Reason." Transcendental Aestheticand Analytic. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1983. Pp. iii + 318. Cloth, $23.75; paper, $11.75. Auerroes' Middle Commentaries on Aristotle's "Categories" and "De lnterpretatione." Translated, with BOOK Rr~VIEWS 253 notes and introductions by Charles E. Butterworth. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983. Pp. xx + 593. $~`,.5 o. Roger Bacon3 Philo.wphy o[ Nature. Critical ed. with English translation, introduction, and notes by David C. l.indl~rg of "'De Multiplicatione Specierum" and "'De Speculis Comburentibus ." Oxtbrd: Clarendon Press, 5983. Pp. vii + 4"0. $84.0,). Bagnulo, Roberto. II concetto di dzrltto naturale in San Tomma~o d'Aqumo. Milano: l)ott. A. Giuffr,~ Editore, t983. Pp. xi + 393. The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham. Deontology together wzth A Table of the Springs of Action and Article on Utilitartan~.~m. Edited by Amnon Goldworth. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983. Pp. xxxvi + 394. $79 .0o. Block, Irving, ed. Perspectwes on the Phzlo.~ophyo[ Wittgenstein. Cambridge: The MIT Press, first paperback edition, 1983. Pp. vii + `,44. Paper, $9.95. Blumenberg, Hans. The Legltimacy o] the Modern Age. Translated by Robert M. Wallace. Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought. Cambridge: The MIT Press, t983. Pp. xxxi + 677. $37.5~9 Boethmn Number Theory'. A Translation of "'DeInstitutione Arithmetica". Translated with introduction and notes by Michael Masi. Studies in Classical Antiquity, Vol. 6. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi B. V., t983. Pp. t97. Paper. $97.75. Botwinick, Aryeh. Hobbes and Modernity. Five Exercises in Politzcal Philosophical Exegesis. New York: University Press of America. ,983 . Pp. viii + 69. Paper, $6.5o. Bourgeois, Patrick L. and Sandra B. Rosenthal. Thematic Studzes...

