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BOOK NOTES 257 mixture of logic, epistemology, philosophical psychology, and methodology--what "can be best described as a neo-Aristotelian moral-metalogic" (p. vii). Furthermore, the logic that Whately set out to expound , often with very considerable ingenuity, frequently turns out to be the wrongheaded confusions of late "Aristotelians" like Aldrich. Nevertheless, there are many insightful philosophical comments in the book, felicitously expressed. Some will find it satisfying that Locke at several points gets a good bashing. I shall conclude with one example. Concerning Locke's objection that men may reason very well without knowing logic, he quotes Locke at length and comments that "in an ordinary, obscure, and trifling writer, all this confusion of thought and common-place declamation might as well have been left unnoticed ; but it is due to the general ability and to the celebrity of such an author as Locke, that errors of this kind should be exposed. He presently after inserts an encomium upon Aristotle, in which he is equally unfortunate ; he praises him for the 'invention of syllogisms'; to which he certainly had no more claim than Linnaeus to the creation of plants and animals, or Hervey to the praise of having made the blood circulate ..." (p. 19). And much more to the same effect. A good man to have on one's side. --JOHN A. TRENTMAN Progress and Its Problems: Toward a Theory of Scientific Growth. By Larry Laudan. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977. Pp. x + 257. $10.95) Though it is not specifically addressed to them, historians of philosophy can profit from this book: it elaborates a philosophy of the history of science centered around the concept of problem-solving (as distinct from, e.g., truth-approximation), and a philosophy of the historiography of science discussing the relations among studies of the history of science, the philosophy of science, the general history of ideas, and the sociology of knowledge. The relevance derives from the suggestiveness (hinted at by the author himself) of the concept of problem-solving for the philosophy of the history of philosophy and from the fact that his discussion of the history of ideas is full of very pertinent insights into the methodology of the historiography of philosophy. --MAURICE A. FINOCCHIARO BOOKS RECEIVED First Editions Alessi, Adriano. L'Ateismo di Feuerbach. Fondamenti metafisici. Roma: Libreria Ateneo Salessiano, 1975. Pp. 307. Authority: A Philosophical Analysis. Ed. R. Baine Harris. University, Ala.: University of Alabama Press, 1976. Pp. vi + 173. $8.50. Paper, $3.50. Bennett, Curtis. God as Form: Essays in Greek Theology. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1976. Pp. 344. $20.00. Bollettino di storia della filosofia dell'Universit~ degli studi di Lecce. Ed. G. Papuli. Lecce: Universita degli Studi, Biblioteca Centrale, 1976. Pp. 421. Bowler, Peter. Fossils and Progress: Paleontology and the Idea of Progressive Evolution in the Nineteenth Century. New York: Science History Publications, 1976. Pp. vii + 190. Capozzi, Gino. Introduzione alia logica come analitica della scienze e della storia. Pubblicazioni della Scuola di perfezionamento in diritto civile dell'Universit~ di Camerino. Camerino: Jovene Editore, 1976. Pp. 162. Casey, Edward S. Imagining: A Phenomenological Study. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1976. Pp. 240. $12.50. Collier, Richard B. Pleneurethic and the Brain. Chicago: Adams Press, 1976. Pp. ix + 170. Contemporary Issues in Political Philosophy. Ed. William R. Shea and John King-Farlow. The Canadian Contemporary Philosophy Series. New York: Science History Publications, 1976. Pp. 214. $3.95. Cooper, John M. Reason and Human Good in Aristotle. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1975. Pp. xii + 192. $11.00. 258 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Critiques of God: A Major Statement of the Case against Belief in God. Ed. Peter Angeles. Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1976. Pp. xvii + 371. $13.95. Paper, $5.95. Eagleton, Terry. Marxism and Literary Criticism. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976. Pp. 96. $6.95. Paper, $2.65. Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence: The First Encounter. Ed. James L. Christian. Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1976. Pp. xi + 303. $13.95. Paper, $4.95. Facets of Plato's Philosophy. Ed. W. H. Werkmeister. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1976. Pp. 102. Fatio, Olivier. M~thode et th~ologie: Lambert Daneau et les d~buts de la scolastique r~form~e...

